Goblin gang is a very stupid music group containing McChicken Jr, John Bootlick, Lil Vending Machine, Elf Sr, and will. They notably keep holding back their album Evil Aliens From Hell Vs. Markiplier Skeleton due to having to attend to multiple spider funerals going from October of 2024 to around February 2025. The tragic passing of rapper YungBallGag known for having 6 microphones at once also contributed to the albums delayed release.
Man goblin gang's music sucks ass
Goblin gang is a very stupid music group containing McChicken Jr, John Bootlick, Lil Vending Machine, Elf Sr, and will. They notably keep holding back their album Evil Aliens From Hell Vs. Markiplier Skeleton due to having to attend to multiple spider funerals going from October of 2024 to around February 2025. The tragic passing of rapper YungBallGag known for having 6 microphones at once also contributed to the albums delayed release. Lil Vending Machine, stated "I'm hungry" while at a Target and talking to a Pikachu plushie while high in the electronics section. The displacement of the release of the undesired album made McChicken Jr. mother, Donald, quite sad because it offputs her sons moving out date once again. She said in an interview with a plastic 5 below microphone, "Why won't he leave me alone" and instantaneously started sobbing on my new shoes.
To have a green snatch or p**sy, and or have some sort of STD or are just Thots.
A.K.A. B.Prep B*tches
*Thot walks by*
" Damn she gotta fat a**.."
" Yea but she git the Green Goblin"
"Damn, f*** that nobody tryna get STD's out here."
The day that ends may, which is referring to Spider-Man no way home where green goblin kills aunt may
Yo dude it’s green goblin day, I can’t wait for June
1👍 1👎
Someone who lies or sits on the floor with disregard for chairs, couches, and the social expectations of their peers.
Person 1: Why are you lying there on the floor?
Person 2: I'm just being a floor goblin
A new acquaintance (whether from the internet or in person) strikes a conversation wanting to be your friend, but ultimately at the end of the day they are trying to get you into a pyramid scheme / MLM.
Me: (Doing homework at the library)
Person: hey bro what you studying
Me: business 101
Person: oh cool, I used to take business in uni but ultimately dropped out, best decision of my life.
Me: really why did you dropout?
Person: school is not the way to success, it’s really about being around the right people.
Me: that’s cool man I’m kinda busy atm
Person: put those books down, the system is trying to play you man, I found a system that actually works, my mentor can get you on our team and you could make some money on the side.
Me: you sound like a mlm goblin bruh I’m not spreading my ass cheeks for your mentor.
A flight attendant that is territorial over their galley to the point of not sharing food or beverage stock with other flight attendants.
Coined by a FA named JLove in 2023.
The aft flight attendant was a galley goblin that didn’t let me get my first class snack basket or any of my restock, and people like her should be put on nothing but CRJ 200 trips if they hate working with others so much.