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Power Drill

A cousin of the more popular screw driver, a power drill is a drink with one part unflavored vodka and one part orange flavored vodka.

Mark: Man, these screw drivers just aren't cutting it anymore, I'm trying to make some bad decisions tonight.
John: Good call. I have an excess of shitty liquor, let's make power drills instead!

by ricexzeeb November 6, 2010

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Power Thruster

The commonly known sexual act in which a man tears through a woman's flesh using nothing but his penis.

Ernie:That emo chick let me do the power thruster on her!

Debrikashaw: No way man! how bad did you cut her!?

by Aunt jemima is money 696969 November 21, 2009

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Power Bastard

Someone who is incredibly rude or ignorant;


someone who fathers many children then commits suicide

Did you here about John?

Fathered all them kids, then killed himself!

Dude, what a freakin' power bastard!

by Mad Danny December 25, 2008

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Believe in the Power

To Believe in the Power is to Believe in the power of the penis... This term is used relativity often at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro Georgia.

Sarah: "Wow he totally made me believe in the power"

by believe_it April 20, 2009

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Telepathetic Powers

a syndrome known for its vast fake results in predicting the

future or failure in assisting law enforcement in finding a

stunt purse at sketch pad

usually ran in infomercials at 3am and prone to make

believers of weak minds in upper class flap traps

doing the Prozac Shuffle .

dude, my telepathetic powers need a boost, put some toothpaste on my cig so i can get a clearer view of the future.

by Mickey Darling August 3, 2009

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Shower Power

The ability to do something because you are in the shower which you would normally be prohibited from doing thanks to social standards.

Joe: "gah, I really need to blow my nose."
Joe in shower: *blows nose and does not need a tissue* "man, what a great shower power"

by oh, my first pseudonym is used May 26, 2009

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Hour Power

The highly sought after male attribute in which they have the seemly unnatural ability to "last" as long as the ladies. In other words, they have the ability to hold off their orgasm in order to come when their partner does, resulting in a much more satisfying sexual experience for both parties involved.

Guy 1: "Dude, I totally busted out the Hour Power last night on that chick I met at the party."

Guy 2: "How did she react?"

Guy 1: "She was all like: "Oh, Oh, Oh," you know what I'm talking about, "Oh""

by ThreeTwelve December 4, 2007

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