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Dirty Buck S

When your banging a chick from behind and you stick your own finger in your own ass and then stick it up your own nose to clear your sinuses.

I had a bad cold while fucking my girlfriend so I did the Dirty Buck S

by triplet ttt May 9, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Knuck if you Buck

A secert term amongst homosexuals. (A question inquiring if you scream while having butt sex preformed upon you.)

Timmy: "Knuck if you Buck?"
Tommy: "Hell yeah!"

by TruGangsta October 7, 2004

146๐Ÿ‘ 410๐Ÿ‘Ž

Buck Tooth Fuck

Buck Tooth Fuck;

An arrogant person with the most hugest fucked up buck teeth.
Thinking they can drift through life without anyone noticing their giant horse buck teeth.

Joel; I'll smash your fucking face in you BUCK TOOTH FUCK

by btb0022 May 12, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

knuck if you buck

1. black people slang for fighting, orginated from the dirty south and heard in crime mobbs single "knuck if you buck".
2. Is used when one homie wants to throw down torwards another homie.
3. Is commonly seen when crunked white boys who think they are black, try to dance and get down.

(1.homie):Yo nigga!
(1.homie):KNUCK IF YOU BUCK!

by LIL'JA March 21, 2005

78๐Ÿ‘ 233๐Ÿ‘Ž

pass tha buck

A sex move originating in Myrtle Beach, SC by way of a East Tennessee. It's the act of paying a girl to dance naked while you masturbate. To successfully pull it off, the dollar amount has to be at least $100.

Aaron went into Lady J's looking for a Happy ending, but instead he had to pass tha buck.

by Ashley P. March 20, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Knuck if you Buck

Knuck = Knuckles.
Buck = A male deer.

Knuck if you buck = Used when hunting. Simply hit your knuckles together if you see a male deer to create the effect of 2 deer fighting. (The antler effect.)

*deer approaches*

"Quick, knuck if you buck!"

...the buck (male deer) comes, and you can do as you wish with it.

by T-pain November 17, 2005

83๐Ÿ‘ 268๐Ÿ‘Ž

2 buck chuck

Name given to really really nasty wine that will make you sicker than the mansons with aids. $2+ alcoholic beverage popular with teeny boppers and homeless bums. Now the nasty liquid has evolved into goon (same crappy cheap wine just in a foil bag with a tap)that you can buy for $6.00 for 5 litres. The bag can be inflated when empty to used as a pillow coz face it, if goon is the only shit you can afford to drink then you obviously dont have a bed. You will the pillow to lie down on after you burn all your energy projectiling pizza and goon at high
velocities from you mouth. This liquid is rumoured to be the residue collected from Satan Himself's armpit.

The 2 buck chuck story:
"Damn friday night, nowhere to crash, no money and i feel like getting drunk"
* Reaches into the innermost depths of pockets and produces lint covered shrapnel*
* Combs street and gutters for stray loose change*
*Slams fistfull of sweaty, grimey coins onto the counter of the local Bottle-o*
"Gimme sum of that crap red stuff in the bag in the box"
*1hr later barfing down the slide of the local playground

by ohwefoh September 29, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž