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Digital Wellness

The implementation of data, insights, and purposeful content to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health, allowing consumers to be mindful of their digital activity.

To keep yourself sane online, you should practice Digital Wellness

by UnicornGlow February 13, 2020

Well you would

Answer to the question Why wouldn't ya?

Greg - So, Head Santa. I seek an answer to the age old question, which has occupied my every thought for these past months. Why wouldn't ya?

Head Santa - Well you would!

by Mike Jones January 10, 2004

D Well

A racial term that makes fun of black people, Origin: A black man and a white man were at a well and the black man was throwing pennies in the well then the white man kicked him down the well and said “Down D Well” because his name was Derrick he replaced “The” with “D”

Look at the african american, i think he needs to go “Down D Well”

by Dat teacher December 4, 2021


Well-Cache ( i.e. water well, ocean depth) - hermetically sealed hi-value water storage scheme in which any breach by design self-destructs its contents that provides a Zero risk highly secure environment. ZERO risk based on the NIST Common Misuse Scoring System (NISTIR 7864)

Microsoft sinks data centre off Orkney in Well-Cache experiment to validate zero security environment for sensitive data

by rr6013 June 6, 2018

Dick well

The list of willing male sexual partners that one has the ability to sort through when sexual interaction is desired.

"Nikki has been texting alot lately. I think her dick well has dried up".

by DHcontentus August 25, 2011

Riley Wells

A man who exudes big dick energy. He has the confidence to pull off almost any outfit and many wonder if he is gay. In truth he could pull all the girls but chooses not to. He has a fantastic sense of style and used to be obsessed with the military as a kid. He is a nerf gun nut as well as a constant obsession of boxing his friend gus. Lastly while having a big dick he also knows how to use it, wielding it with the power of an elder dick Jedi. Many are jealous but Riley defeats them all with his gigantic cock. Overall he had a big dick and is sexier then most.

Person 1-Did you see riley wells
Person 2-Of course how could I miss that dick

by Hype Man333 March 31, 2022

Pretty well fandango

It's said when something is really good made.

Person1: Look at my homework, mate!
Person2: Ohh, pretty well fandango!

by Luh Calm Fit (fr no cap) October 23, 2023