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Big Dawwg

a term used by white kids to describe someone with an exesivly large penis size

Tyler,(walks into classroom)
class, Big dawwg


by Cumnygget September 21, 2019

BIG sad *crying noises intensify*

Pretty self explanatory. When you more than sad, but less than depressed, you are BIG sad. When you BIG sad, you cry very loud, hence *crying noises intensify*

Mom: BRUHHH turn your computer off.
You: Why would I turn my computer off?
Mom: BRUHHHHHHHH I turns the wifi off LOL
You: BIG sad *crying noises intensify*

by SomeoneWhoHasNotTouchedGrass June 20, 2022

Big Spider Energy

When you’re in a specific place, such as a building with excessive cobwebs, you know there’s an ungodly amount of “big” spiders residing there….you can just feel its energy; waiting for the ceiling tile to open up to thousands of tarantula paratroopers dropping in on you. Also known as BSE

Bobby’s house has Big Spider Energy…holy shit, a tarantula!

by Arachno Mike September 22, 2022

zyair big shoe size

zyair has a reallly big feet he hets hard from looking at shoes

zyair big shoe size is huge feet

by big shoe size March 15, 2022

Big Al

A man with a massive penis known to split people in half and is responsible for their god complex

Did you hear about Big Al ? He split that poor person in half

by Asdf69420 January 4, 2022

Big AL

A "Big" orange republican lady who wears a perfectly groomed blonde wig, despises the baby shark song, and sounds like she is shouting when speaking at a normal tone. You can typically hear Big Als approaching due to their loud nature, jingling keys and dragging of their feet.

"Big Al " has a fear of Celery.
"Big Al" wears all Black.

by BIG AL SHARK March 29, 2019

Big al

A curly headed stupid sum bitch

Yo big al looks like he has onion rings on his head. The stupid sum bitch.

by Doo doo doo re October 26, 2019