Effeminate males and manly princesses.
Dewey, you're making songs about cutting people in half and reptilian boy girls and shit like that. Nobody will listen to this music.
Something a stork leaves your family with.
It's a Reptilian boy girl, what the fuck is it? Something you're gonna have to keep standing up to before it destroys you, that's what the fuck it is.
Someone you might think had a sex change when you meet them.
William's eldest daughter was a natural tomboy, she was always close to her father as a kid and enjoyed doing stuff with him, but his youngest daughter Caindace, who seemed to be as much of a tomboy on the surface as her sister, was actually one strange kid beneath the surface, always trying to turn peace talks into arguments where somebody fought or ended up getting shot dead, always claiming self defense, always looking for a scapegoat, someone she saw as ahead of her in line to assassinate to become the first in line, even if it was her own brothers or sisters that she had to get rid of to walk all over their corpses. She was the kind of Reptilian boy girl that went mostly unnoticed, while everyone seemed to be paying attention to/suspicious of the male Reptilian boy girls.
Female reptilian boy girls don't get pigeonholed as the bad guy as often as the male reptilian boy girls do, which is why people tend to think all evil dictator like people are male, and that females aren't capable of being the same way. If somebody did try to pigeonhole them as the bad guy, they would get defensive and call it a witch hunt or something of that nature, even though many of them that would call it that don't even hold witchcraft or anything else sacred. Females can be bad people just like males can be bad people, a spade is a spade.
The reptilian boy girl was evil no matter the sex of it.
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A male reptilian boy girl is somewhat hindered by being effeminate for a male (and at least people notice that he is suspicious), but a female reptilian boy girl is usually helped by being hypermasculine. This is probably why most people think that most cult leaders or people drawn to power are male, since male Reptilians stand out more.
William's eldest daughter was a natural tomboy, she had always been close to her father as a kid and enjoyed doing things with him, while his youngest daughter Caindace was excessively masculine and almost seemed like another tomboy on the surface, but beneath the surface lurked a strange kid that would assassinate her own brothers and sisters to become the first in line, the tomboy's tomboy. She was the kind of Reptilian boy girl that always had rumors going around about a fake death (a way to try and slowly drive people crazy), always talked obsessively about things like death (including suicides, homicides, shots being fired, crime rate statistics, and other things most people didn't find interesting).
Someone that likes things that light up, especially things that give off heat or warmth, not because the Reptilian boy girl is a source of light himself/herself (actually quite the opposite) but because the Reptilian boy girl thinks of it as a heat lamp or UV light, something to heat the blood up.
The Reptilian boy girl was always trying to bask under someone else's UV light or heat lamp and not in anyone's shadow.
Something a stork leaves a family with.
It's a Reptilian boy girl, what the fuck is it?