Getting overly angry and/or aggravated over a small inconvenience because you're in a bad mood or stressed.
aka. being a sour "pickle"
Roommate 1: "Did you buy milk when you were out?"
Roommate 2: "Shit, no I forgot, sorry, I'll get some tomorrow."
Roommate 1: "Are you fucking kidding me, you're making me wait a whole DAY!?"
Roommate 2: "It's just a day bro... you doing okay?"
Roommate 1: "Yeah sorry, just pickle rage, been a long week ya know?"
Roommate 2: "Yeah I get it, don't worry about it."
Roommate 1: "Thanks man."
The rage felt upon receiving an online dating or dating app notification only to see that it was sent by a hideous ogre.
I felt acute after looking at who sent me that dating-site email.
The deep anger experienced after purchasing and consuming a disappointing pasty. Especially in Wales.
What is this mushy brown stuff in the middle of my flaky pastry square thats being passed off as a 'cornish pasty'. Trying to find a decent pasty in wales gives me pasty rage!!
Definition 1: noun; When, during anal sex, an old, worn-out hooker, gets angry and clenches her ass cheeks and throws a tantrum, resulting in immense pain (or pleasure) and potentially several STIs to the other party participating in the sexual actions.
Definition 2: noun; a funny way to say Rusty Cage's name.
Definition 1: I called this nasty white a bitch, and she pulled a Crusty Rage on my honky ass!
Definition 2: Rust Cage... Nah.. Crusty Rage lol.
1. To consecutivley hit a noob 3 times in a row with quick sucsession, delivering a stronger blow each hit.
2. Extreame anger for a miniscule reason.
OMG that fag just got me with cannon rage.
Cant bealive my mom is cannon raging me like this.
a male fat cuban, normally found in chathour wearing a fake wig and teeth, preys on under aged kids and crys when rejected
he throw a chuck rage after i said no to his advances
Urben dictionary now that they are ProCencorship.
Urban Dictionary is a Raging Pussy after they submitted to PC nazis.