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sweet meat

Noun: a girl with a butt so nice that you want to eat it

Synonyms: dumper; wagon; unit cheeks
Antonyms: Taylor Swift
Places of interest: Skellig; Arden pool

“Look at that sweat meat…you could spot those cheeks from Fort Worth
“If you tell me that sweet meat is real, I ain’t buying it”

by Anonymous2715848 May 31, 2022

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Cash you made from workin your hoes

Hoe! Gimme dat sweet paper

by Anthonyawesome October 6, 2013

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Sweet Grass

A "sweet grass" is when someone very slyly or indirectly snitches on someone.

"Who drank my Coke out of the fridge?"

A grass would say "I seen Mark take it"

A sweet grass would say "not me, why don't you ask Mark?"

"Was my boyfriend with you last night?"

A grass would say: "no, he was cheating on you with some girl he met at the pub"

A sweet grass would say: "no, he said he was going back to his girlfriend's house, I assumed he meant you, obviously not"

by Chrislfc5 March 26, 2021

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Sweet to the meat

New Zealand slang for something being awesome or ok , can be used to agree on something

"Hey bro, Dave has gotta swappa of beers waiting for us at his place"

"sweet to the meat!" "Nothing like free beer!"

by Part time Dr Phil June 15, 2012

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insanely sweet

Someone who is very charming and affectionate....

AJ is insanely sweet cause he knows what to say to girls at all the right times....

by SecretCrush April 24, 2010

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pimpin sweet

Referring to something good thats happened in your life or in the life of someone you know...

Katie: Sandra, got married!
Blake: That is pimpin sweet!

by Blakester/Katester September 23, 2006

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cold and sweet

The act of shoving ice into the vagina while the person is soaked in honey.

Bob was cold and sweet in bed last night.

by Bobydillin April 6, 2017

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