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breaking my balls

An expression used while trying to come to an agreement with someone who is asking too much.

Person 1: I'll give you my watch if you don't ever tell anyone about this.
Person 2: I want the pants too.
Person 1: Oh, you're really breaking my balls here.

by LimeintheCoconut January 7, 2008

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post-break crisis

This is when bomb threats, food fights, fist fights, etc. happens at school after a week or more of break.

Tarpon Springs Middle School had a post-break crisis when the princple took the entire week off after Spring Break last year, but it was a lot of fun.

by saradancestonomusic01 April 12, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

midnight study break

Event occurring at midnight on the final day before exams at UNC Chapel Hill. Students strip and run naked inside of the Undergraduate Library. Police intervention is expected, but the participants usually escape.

"I was so tired cramming for that econ exam, but that midnight study break sure woke me up.

by Go Heels August 10, 2007

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bad break up

When you truly love a girl and she dumps you out of nowhere.Seriously, and all you want to do is scream but can't to protect your ego. But inside feels like a fire of rage, and sorrow.

"Dude I just got over Miya that was such a bad break up."

"Hey I saw how much pain you were in I felt so bad".

by THE WOR February 28, 2015

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break me off

get a girl off with rough sex

Oh baby break me off...I want it hard.

by Fagalicious October 7, 2003

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Korean break up

To end a relationship without telling the other party or giving a reason.

She's feeling kinda sad because her boyfriend gave her the korean break up.

by velvetnectar February 11, 2012

26๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

spring break girlfriend

A female companion that resembels a girlfriend but that's realationships time frame only lasts the week of spring break

Dam that girl is hot, I'm going to make her my Spring Break Girl Friend

or Fuck yeah I live in south Florida that means i can have 4 Spring Break Girlfriends.

by Mateogstring March 19, 2010

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