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Word of the Day

The Word of the Day is a definition with a special spot on the Urban Dictionary. Nowadays, it barely gets updated and is almost always libtard bullshit with a like/dislike ratio of 50% or lower.

"Hey man, did you see the new word of the day?"
"Holy shit there's a new one? I've been waiting 84 years!"

by 0x0a December 16, 2020

32๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

saves the day

one fucking good band. they write lyrics that make you think.

saves the day's "through being cool album" was the shiets.

by fawkawha? August 30, 2003

258๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

Day One

A female partner who has stayed with you for a long time through good and bad times.

Happy birthday to my girl and my day one, I will love you till the end

by JDub555 April 14, 2016

110๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

blunt day

march 27th. the day where you chainsmoke blunts to celebrate national blunt day.

blunt day is everyday, but lets smoke 420 of them right now on this fine march 27th.

by arden69420 March 27, 2017

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Titty Day

Titty Day (4/22) is the only day of the year in which it is required girls show some sort of cleavage in festively celebrating breasts nation-wide. Although the origins are unknown, many speculate Titty Day got its start in the late 1990s, at a South Florida High School attempting to to start a national craze. Whatever the case, Titty Day is celebrated in many locations across the US.

"Check out all those titties over there...what's going on?"

"Shit man...today's Titty Day!! Gnarly, just gnarly. Boobies."

"I love me some nippies bro..aaahhh yaaahhh"

"I'm bout to grab some tats FOR SURE"

by uheardIThere April 7, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Romania Day

A day on which to drink up, be merry, and laugh with/at a Romanian you know and love.

Heeyyy, it's RRRRRomania day!!! John, you bring the plum alcohol. It's a celebration bitches!

by Darkness! September 5, 2005

85๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Green Day

1. A day spent smoking weed, usually out of boredom.
2. A pop-punk band formed in 1988, with many good songs out like "When I come around", "Time of Your Life", "Why do you want him?" and more. I discovered them in 5th grade when hearing Boulevard of Broken Dreams on the radio. I looked them up and, well, fell in love with their old stuff as well as new (but preferring pre-American Idiot). But then, I discovered something in 6th grade called real punk. I really got into The Stooges, The Ramones, The Clash, Misfits, Sex Pistols, etc. A year later, I listened to American Idiot for the first time in years and came to a conclusion: that (new) Green Day, while being pseudo-punk and somewhat annoying, is a pretty unique band. Compare them to the other stuff that's out today!

HOWEVER, Green Day started an epidemic of a new breed of poser. It's when someone aged 8-13 believes they are "seeeeew punk rawk" when they listen to Green Day, Blink 182, or Avril Lavigne. They oftentimes don't even know who the bands I mentioned previously are. Those who like Green Day are often seen bashing Bush without even knowing if or even why he is a bad president. Now, not everyone who listens to said music is this way, just a vast majority. Not saying bad things about everyone who likes Green Day, just those who listen to them only and try to be something they're not. To conclude, a decent band.

1. Jimmy's so baked. It's definitely a Green Day...
2. Actual conversation:
Poser in my class: I just love Green Day omg!
Me: Do you listen to anything else??
Poser: Well my favorite artist is Avril Lavigne. It's just pure punk rock!
Me: Dude, thats not punk. Have you even heard of the Ramones? The Clash? The Sex Pistols?
Poser: Well, I havent heard of the Sex Pistols or the Clash. But the Ramones are gay!
Me: -rams head into wall repeatedly-

by Rachel_isapunkrocker May 17, 2008

179๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž