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Autism Fun Bucks

Autism Fun Bucks is another way to refer to currency made by exploiting children or "autistic" fandoms on the Internet.

Generally used when talking about famous people among fandoms that can be considered "autistic".
(I.E. SkyDoesMinecraft, Smike, or Chris-Chan.)

Man: Hey, did you see that CaptainSparklez got hacked?

Woman: Yeah, I heard they took a lot.

Man: Yeah, it was a few thousand Autism Fun Bucks

by Lizardeye March 12, 2016

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Nugget O Fun

A nugget full of fun

Or an insult

Jimmy is a nugget o fun

by ajtqgak July 16, 2008

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A large or morbidly obese woman.

Hey dude check her out, she'd be tons-o-fun in bed !!

by shomesomethin July 13, 2010

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Kim Jong Fun

When multiple koreans shoot pellet guns into ones vagina. Then they must ejaculate inside her and make all the pellets come out.

Hmmm... a kim jong fun sounds fun tonight.

by KimJongFunUn February 11, 2020

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whole lotta fun

If you’re not vibin you’re doing something wrong. Never, ever understimate the importance of having a whole lotta fun.

Him: what are u doing tonight?

Her: having a whole lotta fun:pp

by whole lotta fun October 28, 2020

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whole lotta fun

If you’re not vibin you’re doing something wrong. Never, ever understimate the importance of having a whole lotta fun.

Him: what are u doing tonight?

Her: having a whole lotta fun:pp

by whole lotta fun October 28, 2020

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doh much fun

Doh much fun is egging that craps on people's faces and when you say hello they will attack you like a beast if you come across one in the woods you will have to go to the hospital straight away or you'll be paralysed

You: hey is that a doh much fun

Doh much fun: no , what do you think idiot

You: sorry you don't have to be so rude

Doh much fun I see it its so beatific wait is that it's butt

by poocrapbangbangbang June 25, 2017

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