jess is extremely tall and wants the rabbit
jess wellington loves the rabbit
One hell of a badass dude! If you come across a Jesse Pomeroy you should not make eye contact, as he is intimidating to men and unavoidably handsome to women. He has hypnotizing eyes and an amazing sense of humor! Beware!
Jesse Pomeroy is an amazing man!
she is the bested friend you will ever have in your whole entire life, she is the best advice giver. she is the mom of the group. she is very sophisticated and cool. she is jess westons bestfriend
you see jess porter and will over there!!
A british priest who is obsessed with pot.
Remember our Lord Jesse? I saw him the other day in church!
Female who rides a scooter and constantly gets in the way of other people. Some people get that angry they hit her.
Ed: I got snaked at the skatepark today
Iris: By Jess (scoot)?
Ed: Yes. How did you know?
Iris: She does it to everyone. Did you hit her?
Ed: Yep