Events in life that are: A. uncomfortable, B. Embarrassing, and C. have lasting repercussions. This word can be used to the same effect as "life sucks" but in a way that makes you sound less emo.
Man... These Life Wedgies keep getting me down, first having to work as a stripper, and then finding out at the office that i have have no bladder control!
To live your life in your garage, wrenching on cars, trucks, motorcycles, and wiring speakers. Usually when someone lives the "garage life" they use narcotics to fuel them fir many days at a time. Very rarely does anything actually get completed, or built while living the garage life. Many projects are started, most are not completed.
Doug has been living that garage life wiring speakers for 3 days straight. That guy has more speakers than sound bank.
One whose life is virtually perfect, it is as if the person is friends with life and brings life up when it's feeling down so in exchange life will treat the person well.
Damn, look at Bill over there with his new convertible he got by using money he got from a raise at his already-high-paying job. it is as if he is a Life's Pet.
When everything you do is on Facebook because your scared to face real life, have real friends and do real things.
Sample 1
Dude to Chick- Can we go out sometime?
Chick to Dude- Lets just chat on Facebook and get to know each other.
Dude to Chick- Stop having such a Face life!
Sample 2
Loser- I have over 1,000 friends on Facebook.
Reality- Nobody knows or likes you in real life.
Anything happening in the media!
Super Scandal!
Jason Macias
Shirley M Noriega
The Scandalous Life - Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez
"Fight for your rights"
A woman with a nice rack that will from here on out change your life
Look at those life changers