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Lucas is a kind and loving person. Every girl wants to fuck him, and every girl should fuck him!

Sexy girl: I wanna fuck Lucas so haaaaaard. I just wanna grab his cock and put it right up my ass.

by LucasThePussyEater August 24, 2022


If your name is luca you have a huge cock as tall as the twin towers, loves men, loves pulling mask's off alex's face, pretends to suck cock all of the time, it is drippy

dam luca's cock is so hot

by PurpleAssault September 10, 2022


Strongest man alive, biggest dick in the word, gets all the bitches.

Kid:whats thats guys name?
Other kid: Lucas
Kid:Ohh that explains why he is so strong and got a huge cock

by Bigdaddy_longshlong September 22, 2020


He thinks he is a god but he is more likely to be a humpy dumpty

He is very kind and want the approbation of everyone.
He is a very stress person

Stop being such a Lucas

by Clement.vivier November 24, 2021


The most awesome dude you’ll probably meet in your life. He likes any type of music except lame music (anything besides ptv) and fw everybody. Litally Scott pilgrim, Batman, and og Fortnite player, you will never find another guy like him. He has many fans that want to be like him, but he just ignores those poser losers and Js be swaggin all day like the true baller he is. Lucas is also a professional mogger alongside his friends, together they mog the school . As stated before, he fw most people, unless if their not sigma. Lucas is truly just a W person and your neva Eva gon find another person like him. One thing to remember is that there is always a person trying to be like Lucas, but never can achieve such a goal, so watch out for wannabes.

Guy 1: did you hear that Lucas isn’t coming to school today?
Guy 2: he isn’t?!?
Guy 1: nope
Guy 2 pulls out shotgun and blows his brains out
Girl 1 overhears this conversation and proceeds to slice her throat open with scissors

by Opiumking123 November 19, 2023


A person who is typically a giga chad alpha male who plays league of legends.

Wow it is great to be Lucas.
Lucas why cant we all be like you

by Oxford Dictionary. November 27, 2021


A person who thinks he’s all knowing but is actually a degenerate.

It is a verb also used for sexual intercourse.

A widely popular food dish where you skin the Lucas alive and use the legs for meat.

Another name for the popular gaming term for low skilled players, “bot”.

1. “Oh I heard your friend got into a community college. I thought he was smart?”
“Turns out he was a Lucas. They are usually born that way.”
2. “Hey babe, I had great Lucas last night.”
3. “Shashank what did you have for dinner last night.”
“I had fried Lucas legs!”
4. *Fails to clutch simple 1v1*
The team - “You are such a Lucas. Your bad at every game.”
5. “Yo guys we can win this...the last guy is such a Lucas.”

by ousoonerfan56 May 14, 2020