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stay mad

Used by basic twitter white girls as a response when they are losing an online argument.

Did you just respond with a fact-checked, calm, short reply? Stay mad, kid.

by Gyro Zeppeli August 18, 2019

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Mad Dog

When a person mad dogs you,they stare at you in a mean way.

I usually get mad dogged by all the fuckin haters.

by Deno Saenz December 14, 2005

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mad heated

To be very angry at someone or something.

Solomon has died.
Solomon: Ohhhhhkayyyy, im mad heated.

by Ryan! November 23, 2005

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mad niggerish

if some thing is beyond "bam", then it is mad niggerish

man those rims is maaaaad niggerish ya smell me?

by 2M DUB March 21, 2004

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Mad Gay

adj. extremely uncool (gay)
antonym for wicked or awesome

Ming: have you talked to that guy Alon? he seems over-confident.

Derrick: yeah. that guy is mad gay. lol

by dezzzzza August 11, 2008

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Mad Mongoose

The name of the most feared modern pirate. Rumors are that his real name is Scott, but that is only a rumour. All that is known is that he is such a pirate that he pilages an entire city for shits and giggles.

Ahhhh@ we're being pilaged by Mad Mongoose@ there is no hope@@@

by Mad Mongoose January 10, 2004

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mad axes

verb. a hip hop term in which an emcee expresses himself very strong, ie. he raps very well.

yo did you see that cat? he was throwing mad axes son!

by West Orlando February 11, 2004

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