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A country who's president is a fucking old man that gropes little kids.

Biden: Son, My name is Joe Biden.
Son: Disown me please.

( America is still the best country XD )

by Albert0G October 17, 2022


A beautiful person and loves to play video games. Americas are very sweet, kind, fun, and cool if you ever meet a America you are lucky because they are one of the most funniest person to ever live. They’re smile is amazing, they are just really perfect. Americas have a perfect body and perfect smile! Theirs nothing wrong about Americas

Boy: who is that wonderful and beautiful girl
Girl: that’s America she’s amazing

by Bbcloverandonlylover69 November 23, 2021



american guns.

by sanogklasg April 26, 2021


Name given to the north america by "gringos" that think the whole continent is the united states

Hey I'm from America, I'm going to Costa Rica that is not part from America...

by El pepe's chancla March 25, 2021


can’t spell america without erica

amERICA- stranger things

by holasoydora09 July 8, 2022


will get angry at you if you say toilet instead of restroom

poor australian kid: hey miss, can i go to the toilet?
american teacher: what did you just say to me?
poor australian kid: uhhh, can i go to the toilet?
*all the kids in the class pull out AK-47s and shoot you*

by hello im cool and australian. March 11, 2024


a national superpower...

until china wants their debt to be paid

tyler: yooo i love america!!!!! *country boy howl*

sunny: thats until china asks for their debt to be paid back

tyler: what in the 8th grade civics is this shit...

by that stupid bitch April 23, 2023