Source Code

curdle burger

1- when you are at a party and the only bathroom is near the keg and a girl comes out smelling of freshly laid ammonia because she can't wipe right..
2- the resulting poo that a girl or deuschebag faggot takes after taking it up the poopschute and is riddled with man juice..
3- the image of a girls twat after a fierce banging involving many acts of niggerdom that cause aforementioned twat to heat up from rigorous friction and left over donkey skeet

1- Dude, hurry up with the brew that curdle burger is kickin
2- My poonjug forgot to flush her curdleburger after I reamed her poon lagoon last night....it was in the shape of a brontasaurus, gross!

by White Mike/Toby Kinte February 9, 2005

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Dirt burger

An unhealthy burger from a takeaway or pizza shop that somehow resembles something edible and tasty when drunk, but to the sober eye is blatently pure evil and not fit for human consumption!

Kerry: Joe, I fancy a dirt burger on the way home.
Sue (who is nicknamed Joe but is actually called Sue): Ooooh good plan batman. Garlic mayo or chilli dressing??
Kerry: Definately garlic mayo.
Sue: Hmmm, garlic mayo makes the best dirt burger.

by susiesusiesue January 26, 2010

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Carl's Jr.

"Hey, let's go get a $6 burger! That Paris Hilton commercial was the best!"
"It was perfect, but I ain't eatin' no Nazi-Burger."

by Truthest September 14, 2009

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Burger Boost

- to put a highly flammable object beneath a hamburger in order to quicken the browning of the meat

"God, the fire's goin down. Give that a burger boost." or "That was a fuckin big burger boost"

by Sally Dots March 28, 2004

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burger king


Fast food complaint forum! Come check it out! I hated working in fast food so I made a forum for everyone who works or worked in fast food. Come share your stories.

I hate McDonald's and Burger King!

by ChickenMan2006 April 9, 2006

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ass burger

riding your scooter on your ass while waving your legs in the air!

dude#1: Dude! i just totally did a freakin sweet ass burger
dude#2 knarly biach!!!111

by sweet dood!!!1111 January 22, 2008

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Burger Kill

To die after being punched and knocked to the ground during a scuffle with a disgruntled fast food employee.

A 67-year-old man police believe was homeless, died after being punched and knocked to the ground during a scuffle with a 20-year-old Burger King employee in Detroit; authorities ruled the death a Burger Kill.

by rperazag December 11, 2010

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