English; San Air is the shortened version of its full name which is San International Air Lines.
French; San Air est la version abrégée de son nom complet qui est San International Air Lines.
Spanish; San Air es la versión abreviada de su nombre completo, que es San International Air Lines.
San Air is a fictional airline to maintain top-quality services for passengers since November 2017 (on Roblox) and ensuring that all staffs are well-recognized. Nothing will stop us by striving to improve. Economy Class is free onboard our flights. San Air was Founded on 16/11/2017 and the Callsign we operate with is SA.
French; (Google Translate)
San Air est une compagnie aérienne fictive qui maintient des services de qualité supérieure pour les passagers depuis novembre 2017 et veille à ce que tout le personnel soit bien reconnu. Rien ne nous arrêtera en nous efforçant de nous améliorer. La classe économique est gratuite à bord de nos vols. San Air a été fondée le 16/11/2017 et l'indicatif avec lequel nous opérons est SA.
Spanish; (Google Translate)
San Air es una aerolínea ficticia que mantiene servicios de alta calidad para los pasajeros desde noviembre de 2017 y garantiza que todo el personal sea reconocido. Nada nos detendrá si nos esforzamos por mejorar. La clase económica es gratuita a bordo de nuestros vuelos. San Air se fundó el 16/11/2017 y el indicativo con el que operamos es SA.
San Air RBX is a passenger airline (RoAirline) founded on 16/11/2017 which primary operates from London Heathrow.
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When a bald man applies oil to his head, assumes a three point stance and charges into another persons open asshole.
Nick had a hard time recovering from a night of Dave giving him the San Diego Charger. A few times they almost went ATM.
7👍 7👎
A noticeable dent in a car fender, bumper, or door acquired while parked, left by an anonymous San Francisco driver who drives away without leaving any contact note or insurance info.
Damn it! Some a*hole gave my car a San Francisco kiss on the right front fender while I was parked in the Stockton street garage!!!
7👍 7👎
People think its a cool small town who havn't lived in a small town before. Although there are many republicans, there are more liberals with more COEXIST stickers than is healthy. Basically a lack of thinking for oneself Also home to an extremely large population of douches/bros. In order to fit in you must have no personality/opinions, have white sunglasses or a crooked LA or SF hat. have skateboard brand stickers on your car that went outa style 4 years ago, and drive 5 mph under the speed limit even if you are 20 years old. There is NOTHING to do in 200 miles in any direction. a vacation place for dirty fresno and bakersfield trash. about 5 guys to every girl. But it has perfect weather.
Bo'Vice: i just got back from SLO (San Luis Obispo) bro!
Chad: how was it homie?
Bo'Vice: it was chill dog, we played beer pong til my 59-50 hat got beer on it. Then went through the 5 blocks of downtown. Finally drove for 4 hours going 55mph on the 101 home. it was tight brosef!
122👍 222👎
Major Leauge Baseball team that moved to San Fransico from New York in 1957 at the same time the Dodgers moved from Brooklyn their last World Series was in 1954. Their rivalry with the Dodgers is the oldest and best in American sports even though the east coast media bias says differently.
I hate the San Francisco Giants, L.A. Dodgers rule!
127👍 233👎
noun, -- gay marriage, cutting and running from Iraq, coddling terrorists, raising taxes, amnesty for illegals
Over the space of a few days, the phrase "San Francisco values" has passed from the lips of conservative FOX News commentator Bill O'Reilly and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich onto the editorial pages of the Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, where the paper endorsed a Republican congressional candidate because a Democratic House would mean "Pelosi will be speaker and her far-left San Francisco values -- gay marriage, cutting and running from Iraq, coddling terrorists, raising taxes, amnesty for illegals -- will become the House agenda."
In a recent online fundraising pitch, the now-pundit Gingrich asked supporters, "Will everything you've worked so hard to accomplish be lost to the San Francisco values of would-be Speaker Nancy Pelosi?" In Thursday's National Review Online, House Speaker Dennis Hastert asked, "Do we really want Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco values leading the culture war?" Neither elaborated on the meaning of "San Francisco values."
38👍 61👎
Middle of nowhere. Exactly between SF and LA, with nothing but cows surrounding it for hundreds of miles.
Funny place where the residents all think the local ag state school is some sort of ivy league. It is really funny since pretty much nobody outside of SLO (common shortening of San Luis Obisp, pronounced "slow") have ever heard of the place. The school offers degrees in welding, and has a meat packing plant on-campus-- it is more a trade school than a typical university.
If you like cold windy summers where you need to wear a jacket or at least a sweatshirt at noon most summer days, then the weather is great. If you don't like living in a refrigerator, the weather sucks. The beaches have an arctic current that touches down on the coast here, so the water is always freezing-- you will need a full suit with hood and booties to be comfortable even in the summer.
Local scene. none.
Demographics, 99.99999% white with a large percentage of rednecks (remember ag school). Most singles are 19-22 or 60+. Most everyone in between is married.
Largest employers, the nuke plant, the prison, the schools, and other government employees. Not much besides very small companies and retail outside of those big three.
A very strange place, but it has been reported that folks here are unusually happy. I guess they don't share what they are smoking until you have been living here for a while.
San Luis Obispo is one of those unnamed cow towns where people stop for gas on their way between LA and SF.
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