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Simp City

Where all homies that have fallin as being simps go.

Yo congrats dude! You're headed to Simp City like the rest of us.

by Pizza Time!!! January 16, 2020

25πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Simp or pimp

Similar to smash or pass where but instead of judging the sexiness of someone it's opinioning the amount of respect you'd give to that person where "Simp" stands for I'll treat that person like a queen/king (cuz yeah any act of kindness towards the opposite sex especially for females it's considered Simping nowadays) and " Pimp" stands for I have no respect for that person in fact I'll even pimp her/him if I could.

1: What about Tatiana, simp or pimp?
2: Totally simp for her, I know what kind of person she is and she deserves the best .

by milked.cookie December 1, 2020

28πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Simp the chimp

An enormous white tub of lard gay headass nigga. He steals food from anyone around.

Guy 1: Yo! Did you see that simp the chimp sift that homeless niggas lard!
Guy 2: This nigga so fat though
Guy 2: Oof

by Enormous stickle pickle December 17, 2018

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

No Simp September

You know it boys, no simping allowed for the hole month of September

-dude I went on a date with Audrey last night
- Bro are you kidding me?! It’s No Simp September you have violated the boy’s laws 😀

by 69vmoore May 6, 2020

297πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž

simp juice

Someone who is the ultimate of all simps.
The word is a take on the popular Nelly song, "Pimp Juice"
See simp

"Brandon is really being simp juice about the party."

by Bloody Guts August 20, 2004

54πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

No simp October

A month where no girl is allowed to simp for any fictional or non-fictional boy

Girl 1: Oh my god Jack is so hot
Girl 2: Girl you can’t simp for him it’s no simp October

by The teehee dictionary October 2, 2020

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A simp above all simps, a simp to many women, one who puts all the hoes before all the bros, hated by males, loved by women. An idiot.

Person 1: fine, my crush is Tina.
Person 2: lmao, that giga simp Oscar already has her heart, good luck.

by ///Protest\\\ March 13, 2020

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž