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mom emails

Your typical viral or spam email (or cyberprop) meant to either scare or amaze gullible or trustworthy people, who believe anything on the internet, and so get sent to you by your mom. The Mom emails that are making outlandish claims usually can be dis-proven by snopes.com. They most often contain large bolded text and have something to do with either politics or chemicals in house hold products. You will usually receive 3-4 of these emails at one time as moms don't check and send their emails as often.

AKA: an unsuspecting spammer... only it's your mom, and she doesn't send you enlargement adds.

NOTE: The content of these emails can also include not so funny jokes, or mildly amusing/amazing photos.

Mom emails include large bolded text like:


"I'm not breaking this one. If I get it a 1000 times, I'll forward it a 1000 times!"

by hoodie_ninja October 7, 2009

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Ur Mom

A hoe

I love Ur Mom

by lolkingkinglol August 25, 2022

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Single Mom

The single mom is highly narcissistic and reckless individual, who wants to combine the authority of a head of a family and the freedom of the single life. The single mom is revered and venerated in the media with infantile adoration, reflected in the noun "mom", as if she was the watcher's own mother. Such pity-suggesting, sugar-coating language is hiding the true nature of that phenomena- women who chase away the men from their family because they seem as an opposition to their power over the children and a breach to promiscuous sexual behaviour for the purposes of constantly searching for more optimal mating. The cost for the fulfillment of her "self-realization" is her children's mental and physical health, as they are at a greater risk of poverty, domestic abuse and sexual abuse. Also, any corporal punishments and psychological abuse inflicted by the single mother to establish her absolute power in the household will stay behind closed doors if the child wants to eat. Same with any complaints against the new "step-dad" mommy brought for companionship in the cold evenings. Single moms is that they do not care about their children(if they did, they would make an effort to keep their fathers in their lives), but about achieving uncontested power in the household and proving to the society which idolizes them that they are superwomen can work and take care of children simultaneously while having no problems getting laid in their free time.

Single moms are so brave and stunning- they are the mother and the father in the relationship!

by Lieutenant_Gruber June 2, 2021

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mom burn

When a mom says something nice about her son and inadvertantly burns his friend in a way so clever that you wonder if it was actually intentional.

friend: "chris is a bad speller"
mom: "it's because he speaks french"
friend: "oh man, that was a total mom burn, I'd trade my mad spelling skillz to speak french"

by observatori March 26, 2007

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your mom

A phrase used when you don't know or want to answer a question, to be a complete asshole, to try to be funny when you're really not, or just feel like using it. Sometimes people in the background add the "OHHHHH" sound effect as well, depending on the situation.

Example 1
Dude: "Yeah so what's the homework tonight?"
Dude 1: "Your mom, bitch"

by Viagra Bread May 23, 2008

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soccer mom

married woman with children between about 6 and 10 who drives a large car such as a station wagon, and spends most of your time shunting her kids and kids' friends around. Often takes an active interst in the kids activities.

she used to be a wild one but now that she's got kids, she's become a soccer mom

by Nursie November 15, 2006

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jfans mom

A very large, devilish looking black women with demon eyes that whips her sons legs into an obilivion


by piffmaster9187 March 31, 2011

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