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Fred Smacked

When you talk and talk while only reading one sentence and when someone tries to explain it to you, you just talk over them with non-proven points some more then you end the sentence in "Fred Smack"

youre wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong.... Fred Smacked!

by Just show Proof March 31, 2024

Fred Smacked

When you talk over someone so much they cant get a word in.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, ramble, Fred Smacked

by Just show Proof April 19, 2024

Smack pack m+g combo

It means the infamous dynamic duo that one man would acquire throughout his college or adult years in which consists of the tendency to gaslight and manipulate woman (or men) and grow one’s strength in those abilities by practice until max m+g capability.

Ex: don’t question woman or else you’ll get the smack pack m+g combo

by Ilovesaquon November 27, 2024

Flat pack smack

When a new guy walks into a gym whos untoned and weak, and a big 6pack bencher smacks him on the belly like hes sticking an expected expiry date sticker on a card board box.

Big weight lifter: >Smack< oi oi get on the tread mill outa way good lad big boys are in the building, stick at it and yal be lifting 16 stone and 3 pounds of that meat your eyeing up you know the one, shell get you revved if you break down. PUMP SOME BLASTARD SHELLS AND DOWN SOME HERCULES POWder!!
Flat pack smacked wimpy dog squert: >gulp<

by Step lupid July 12, 2023

Smacked Up

To get physically beaten up. Outclassed.

It was known in the Boxing circle that Anthony Joshua got smacked up in sparring prior to his upset loss to Andy Ruiz.

by ABEL ABE April 16, 2021

Smack the bottle

To casually take a sip or swig of a any liquor bottle.

Brian told Zach to smack the bottle to stay warm.

by Lainhairrr February 17, 2018

Smack Checker

Smack Checker - AKA Fact Checker. One who refutes all facts that do not support the main stream media narrative, its talking points and or any other statement that does not fall under leftist ideologies. (Ie: Socialism, Marxism, communism)

Hey did you see what the Snorpes Smack Checkers said? They said that there was zero evidience to support anything other than what they say is fact.

by FORESTFUNK March 7, 2021