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Jabari Jackson

Really hot and sexy and funny and so sweet and amazing. If your talking to them they can make you laugh and blush at the same like😻

Jabari Jackson is so hotπŸ₯΅

by Urmoytger November 7, 2022

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

lake jackson handshake

Grabbing the nearest dick handy and pumping for all your worth.

I wasn't expecting it, but suddenly in the middle of class, he gave me a Lake Jackson Handshake

by Hannibal March 30, 2003

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

dirty michael jackson

The act of cumming is someone whilst youre dick is imbetween youre legs like a tail.

hey you see Melissa over there? She made me do a dirty michael jackson.

by theepicpeenlord69 March 24, 2021

12πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Samuel L. Jackson

The most whored actor in film history, will appear in anything for the right amount of cash.

Will be in 90% of films being made by the time we get to 2010

"A film about Snakes... on a plane? You bet your mother fuckin' ass I'll be in that"

"A film about aliens who blow up the planet, fix it to blow it up again then fuck us all in the ass and I'll love it? I'm not sure...

You'll pay me 10 million dollars to be in it?! Sign me up nigga!"

All quotes I overheard Samuel L. Jackson say them

by Kieren and Grae July 22, 2006

120πŸ‘ 151πŸ‘Ž

samuel l. jackson

myyyyyyyy nigga!
possibly the baddest mofo on the planet.

see pulp fiction and jackie brown

by roxxor February 19, 2004

116πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž

Micheal Jackson special

When you run up to someone sitting down do the he he noise and put your dick on them

You wanna use the micheal Jackson special on daisy

by 183748372hsjebrrn November 6, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Reverse Michael Jackson

A Reverse Michael Jackson is the act of a white man moon walking and doing a 540 spin and pelvis thrusting their erect penis in to a bent over female's anus and yelling "HEEHEE" and afterwards swiftly pulling out thus having a poo covered dick and doing the thriller dance while walking away.

Josh: Hey dude, guess what?
Alec: yeah?
Josh: last night my girl and I were jamming Michael Jacksons number one so when we were about to do doggy I surprised her with a Reverse Michael Jackson!
Alec: yes! that's my favorite!

by Shmingy January 30, 2014

28πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž