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Mira Main

Mira Mains are the most skilled players and know how to play the game, they know where to play there mira to help there team, most have good recoil control

You: I'm a Mira Main
Me: You Fucking Legend, I love Mira Mains

by PrestoWasTaken March 14, 2021

Clash Main

A person with no sense of skill and has used the word “Cancer” many times. Usally has seen Pro players do good with her and they think they can replace there skill level by using that Operator.

Yea bro he’s a Clash main. I know right it’s dumb as hell

by NevermoreXXRaven April 10, 2021

Main Ging

A main ging is your cool ginger friend who can relate to everything; the main person you will go to and can always depend on.

Dude:Hey yo it's the Main ging
Main ging: hey Brutha how's it be?

by Mainging December 28, 2016

Maine Muzzle loader

When a furry from maine forces his dick down the muzzle(mouth) of another

Furry: time to try the Maine muzzle loader on this desperate bottom.

by Gamerboysky September 24, 2024

Maine state-capital excuse

"Augusta". Used to absolve someone of blame for assorted objects' being messily scattered about.

Da classic "Maine state-capital excuse", in knock-knock-joke form:
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Augusta, who?
Augusta wind musta blown all those things around --- I never touched 'em.

by QuacksO February 15, 2023

set the mains

Short for "set the mainsails." A sailing reference meaning to go to a specific place or to head in a certain direction.

"After final exams, we set the mains for our favorite bar."

"At the start of the semester, I set the mains for all the best college radio stations."

by yes juanito yes May 30, 2017

mccree main

Its a weird mythological friendly beast, when angry, he defeats his foes with his mighty revolver and give them a nice flashbang in the bum bum.

example: Dont make me Mccree Main on you!
example: Ill fire Mccree Main's six shots!

by Mccreamy as fuck January 23, 2017