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dragon fly

An upgrade version of a butterfly kiss but you do it to the vagina instead of the mouth.

Person 1: dude i dragon flyed this girl last night
Person 2: shut up you pusy ass bitch

by Jose gold September 13, 2012

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mexican fly

When a male, ages 13-33, sits in a tub with only the head of his dick petruding from the water proceeds to rip off the wings of a common housefly and then allows the fly to run around on " mushroom island". For ages 34+ its known as the Castaway, or Mr. Wilson.

I was using the bathroom at wes' house when i noticed the pile of fly wings next to the tub, i felt compelled to confront him on his addiction to the mexican fly.

Paulsen got caught by his wife in the middle of a mr. wilson. Water went everywhere.

by natty bumco July 11, 2006

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flying yamagooch

When a woman is lying in bed, legs spread, and a man with an erect cock runs and jumps into the wet pussy.

by Makis August 22, 2003

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fly catcher

another term for moron. they breath mainly through their mouths, and can become confused when trying to do more than one thing at a time. this includes talking while breathing.

the guy at the cricket store is such a fly catcher. he ignored me, and when he was listening he didnt get anything right.

by RAWRjosh June 27, 2007

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The Flying Elvis

When taking a dump in a public bathroom, and you don't want your cheeks to hit the toilet seat, squat down with hands spread out in the air to mimic the flying elvis parachuters from Honeymoon in Vegas

After a delicious double portion of habanaro chili for lunch, Ricky decided to take the 1:30 train home. While buying his ticket, he experienced a sharp pain in his colon as a liquid tail was brewing. Thankfully, being trained with the Flying Elvis technique, he was able to utilize the public restroom facilities without the indignity of his ass cheeks touching the seat

by Timmy Brown Tail August 20, 2013

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fly hunni

a sexi mamacity- who happens to be fly, and nasty

yo, youz one fly hunni

by Anonymous May 31, 2003

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freaky fly

when you're so drunk that you're staggering about and shouting everyone's names like you're friends with them.

"dude what's wrong with you?"
"dude, he's freaky fly."

by maddieL November 11, 2009

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