The act of having sex with a very hairy woman.
She hadn't shaved in months, but I went ahead and did the Shepherd's slide.
When two buddies collaborate, and one buddy shits on his good buddy’s chest, starting toward the top and it slides down the body. This isn’t a “taking the top off” type of shit, this one typically occurs after a sloppy burrito, lasagna, chili, buff chicken dip, etc. just a real beastly shit so it has the proper balance of “firm foundation” with some “liquidy mud” to ensure proper slip n’ slide physics.
One night at the Lighthouse, Jeb gave Nate the ole’ Trans-American Slip n’ Slide. Nate absolutely loved it! He begged for more, and never wanted to leave the lighthouse. Some say he’s still there, at the lighthouse, waiting for another Trans-American Slip n’ Slide.
When you first slide your meat stick into her honey hole after getting her all wet and ready.
We were gettin all hot and heavy and then I gave her the sexy slide and she felt my wrath.
Sticking a stone into your foreskin before beating your meat with 2 stones until it explodes.
Ow! Oh shit that almost hurt as bad as a rock slide.
When you shit on the floor and you and your lover slide across it.
John split his head open doing a St. Louis slip and slide
Anal intercourse that involves using fecal matter as a lubrication
Last night, I rode the brown Slip N Slide. It was messy, but man did it feel good.
When you're doing something normal and all of a sudden you have to shit really bad. It has the sensation of shit sliding through the rectum.
I was dating Cindy and I had to run to the bathroom because of a Shit Slide.
I failed my driver's test because I had to run out of the car due to a Shit Slide.