The weirdest club in the school, worships toast. Often will have positions of power within the cul-I mean club. It may sometimes include sacrifices of the loaf to please the toast gods.
Fuck they might be a cult
The crude act of excreting hot faecal matter freshly squeezed out of the balloon knot of a Roman gypsy or equivalent, then placing the faeces between the breasts of a willing participant, then pushing the breasts together thus harnessing the power of a Toasted Roman Sandwich (aka TRS)
John: Hey bra I just smashed out a Toasted Roman Sandwich
Frank: Whooaaa, a TRS??, how did it go mang?
John: Messy holmes!
Frank: Nioce
1) When a group of three get humiliated.
2) There is drama between a group of three that you don't care about.
1) Ex: Emma, Emily, and Edmond totally got roasted toasted baloasted by Emelyn the other day!
2) Ex: What? What three got into a fight? It all just seems like a case of roasted toasted baloasted to me..
A weird obsession of the posh humanoid species also known as the British
Beans and toast is a strange food combination where one applies beans on a slice of bread.
This is a delightful treat for the British species
It's what you can bake for the most beautiful girl on Valentine's Day—even if she's not YOUR girl. Just make extra for her fam so it's not suspicious... her fave latte is Toasted Marshmallow so she should get the message 😉
Happy V-Day! What time do you leave to go see your bf? I need to hit you with a Toasted Marshmallow Scone before you go.
It’s actually “lactose intolerant”. And why tf would it be “black toast”? You know what LACTOSE intolerance is, what does burnt toast have to do with the inability to digest dairy? You’re letting me down man.
You: I’m black toast intolerant
Me: oh really? You can only consume regular toast? Not black toast?
You: what? No I mean dairy...
Me: *looks at camera in grief*
1. to get high from weed
2. from amphetamines
I got toasted with Jimmy last night.