When you hook up with someone much younger than you for the plot.
Hey, did you hear about Kim’s puppy sweep last weekend?
A weapon in Arsenal, a fast-paced first person shooter developed using the Roblox game engine. Deals 25 damage on body shot and one-taps on headshot. Only seen on Arsenal's "Insane Mode", which provides the player with 32 hard-to-use weapons and a golden knife that allows you to double jump. To win, you must get 32 kills with the hard-to-use weapons and golden knife. Among those weapons are the golden hush puppy.
Crap, I missed the golden hush puppy headshot.
When a guy tries to get with a girl who already has a boyfriend in a shaky relationship decides to help work things out (aka breaking up with the guy). He'll help break up and become the greatest friend in the girl's eyes and give her comfort and in an adorable way.
Oh Patrick, you Comfort Puppy you! We know you're jealous.
Waking up hung over and feeling like you have done the worst thing possible.
I seriously punched a whole litter of puppies right in thier cute stupid cute fucking faces, I was guilty of punching the puppy
Sammy puppy is the best pupper out there. I love my Sammy puppy. Sam in general is the best person you’ll ever meet. 100 % guaranteed. He is so kind caring and loyal and wants nothing but the best for you. His smile will kill you in an instant. It’s so contagious and his laugh will make your day. He lights up a room and everyone LOVES him. His hair is so fluffy and amazing. If very tempting to play with. He has the most beautiful brown eyes that you can just get lost in all day. He is so loving and VERY ROMANTIC. Once you open him up, you’ll find it to be completely worth it as his love for you is unconditional and he will never judge you. You can trust him with all your secrets and whenever he isn’t around you won’t feel complete as a person. You need a Sam in your life. If you have one KEEP HIM.
Sammy puppy is the best baby boy I know🥰
Another word for Baby Batulas!
Baby batulas are also Discord Puppies.
A friend of Mexican decent who is considered to be cute, like a puppy, and is always happy.
Dude, my dog died...
Its okay, we always have our Happy Amigo Puppy.