A term coined during the Leonora Gerona Robredo's term as Vice President of the Philippines from year 2016 - 2022. It means Busy Vice President, referring to Robredo's busy schedules to serve the People of the Philippines.
Leni Robredo is such a busy presidente among all of the vice presidents that the Philippines ever had.
Typically used to signify that speaker is too busy to do "your" request/task, but in reality is not busy.
Mom: Could you walk the Dog?
Me: I'm busy!
Also me: "Returns to scrolling YouTube shorts" <Quitely under breath... Busy Not Busy>
Something alot of people cannot do
Another word for "leave me alone" and/or "You shouldn't be involved in this"
Person: "what are you talking about?"
Person 2: "its nothing, mind your own business"
A respected and reliable newspaper that provides in-depth analysis, news, and information about the financial and business sectors.
I rely on The Business Gazette to keep me informed on updates pertaining to the stock market and financial news.
To make or keep busy; to employ; to engage or keep engaged; to occupy; as, to busy one's self with books.
He busied himself with writing tutorials.
A black that wears a suit and tie. Talks more like a white. Is able to say the word, “diesel.”
In Manhattan one can see business blacks on the subway or walking in the streets with a bright ivory smile.
When your Will to succeed is so strong that it becomes food and you're hungry for it
I'm the biggest busis in the room