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Busy Presidente

A term coined during the Leonora Gerona Robredo's term as Vice President of the Philippines from year 2016 - 2022. It means Busy Vice President, referring to Robredo's busy schedules to serve the People of the Philippines.

Leni Robredo is such a busy presidente among all of the vice presidents that the Philippines ever had.

by RAGDENSOMAR 2022 May 31, 2022

Busy Not Busy

Typically used to signify that speaker is too busy to do "your" request/task, but in reality is not busy.

Mom: Could you walk the Dog?
Me: I'm busy!
Also me: "Returns to scrolling YouTube shorts" <Quitely under breath... Busy Not Busy>

by jml88 November 5, 2022

Mind Your Own Business

Something alot of people cannot do
Another word for "leave me alone" and/or "You shouldn't be involved in this"

Person: "what are you talking about?"

Person 2: "its nothing, mind your own business"

by September 25, 2023

The Business Gazette

A respected and reliable newspaper that provides in-depth analysis, news, and information about the financial and business sectors.

I rely on The Business Gazette to keep me informed on updates pertaining to the stock market and financial news.

by Ashleypp April 13, 2023


To make or keep busy; to employ; to engage or keep engaged; to occupy; as, to busy one's self with books.

He busied himself with writing tutorials.

by Berry2K June 20, 2003

Business black

A black that wears a suit and tie. Talks more like a white. Is able to say the word, “diesel.”

In Manhattan one can see business blacks on the subway or walking in the streets with a bright ivory smile.

by Wam satkins September 16, 2019


When your Will to succeed is so strong that it becomes food and you're hungry for it

I'm the biggest busis in the room

by Killabe December 28, 2022