The actual name of the disease for fat / overweight people living in denial and believing that their weight gain is from an over-active pituitary or thyroid gland.
"My mother-in-law suffers from fork to mouth disease!"
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Pre-Midterm Procrastination Disease (PMPD for short) is a disease reserved especially for the week before Midterms.
College and High School students are extremely vulnerable.
The most popular symptoms of the disease include:
Updating your facebook every 5-10 minutes hoping someone will reply.
Checking your emails constantly, hoping someone will send you something.
Texting your buddies for answers on test reviews and praying your teacher won't compare your work.
Speed reading your notes and claiming to your professor you've "studied well."
Crying for no apparent reason.
Writing papers at 2 in the morning.
Getting "distracted" constantly because of hunger or thirst.
There is one effective cure to this phenomenon.
The only possible cure is the winter break after testing, where students only have to really worry if they passed their midterms or not.
Girl: Hey, did you study for all of your midterms yet?
Guy: Nah, I'm suffering from Pre-Midterm Procrastination Disease.
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The post WW2 pattern decline of British workmanship due to industrial unrest and labour strikes.
Margaret Thatcher cured England of the British Disease during the 1980s.
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(Note that this just a joke and is not real so please don't take it seriously)
Joaquin Phoenix Joke Disease is a hugely rare disease that makes a person laugh uncontrollably until they physically cannot breath. This usually accures when something funny is said to the person or if the person thinks of something they think is funny. The meaning behind the disease's name is from Joaquin Phoenix, who is famous for playing Joker in the DC film of the same name. In the film, he suffers from a illness very similar to this where he will laugh miniacly without his free will. Side effects of Joaquin Phoenix Joke Disease include, laughing uncontrollably, sore throat and lungs, unable to control breathing processes and even death.
Person 1: *says something funny*
Person 2: *starts laughing uncontrollably for several minutes*
Person 1: wow dude are you okay??
Person 2: yeah I'm fine I just have Joaquin Phoenix Joke Disease, it happens all the time.
Person 1: Oh okay see you later bro.
Person 2: *continues to laugh and choke cutely in Japanese*
HBD is Probably the most laziest ways of animation ever known. HBD is a growing cancer cell that infects animators in this community known as the 'meme animators' community which has a confirmed pedo art tracer as a member. HBD is only good when it's used in porn.
Carla: Look at my animation meme that I made!
Ashley: That aint animation, just head bobbing lol.
Ashley: I'm afraid that you have been infected with HBD (Head Bobbing disease)
Carla: You don't understand! *hiss*1
Exactly what the term implies. It refers to someone who seem to always say the most inappropriate thing at the most inappropriate time.
Commonly also referred to as CFMD. There is no known medical cure for this ailment. It tends to be hereditary and is usually passed down from the father's side of the family. Typically the gene is passed from father to son but it has been known to appear in females. Sufferers of this malady also tend to lack class and moral terpitude especially when surrounded by groups of people. They also tend to tell really inappropriate jokes that includes racist and or sexist comments and wonder why they are still single.
Guy with CFMD: Wow you have nice tits.
Hot chick in bar: OMG! You are crude.
CFMD's Wingman: You can't just say that to a stranger especially some hot chick you have no chance with. You must have Chronic Foot in the Mouth Disease like your daddy.
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When a girl (rarely a guy) turns from being a loveable, kind, friendly, and caring person to the exact opposite and transforms into a person with an ugly personality (a bitch). Most cases occur because of influence from others with CMD, other times is due to personal events. PMS and CMD can be easily confused, but CMD is long term. CMD is curable, depending on how sever the case is, it helps to have friends and family be honest with the subject and for the subject to be willing to change their attitude.
X was once friends with Y but X started flirting with the rest of the alphabet including Y's boyfriend Z. The reason for X doing this was because W had been doing it first and X thought she looked just as good as W. X was a victim of Cunt muffins disease (CMD) due to W having CMD first.
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