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Work Boy

Term for a male sex worker dating back to slavery/plantation times

I like to fuck my work boy

by Yoyoyo12347 October 18, 2016

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Posthumous work

The odor one leaves long after he/she has left the bathroom in question

โ€œDid you smell his posthumous work?โ€

by derderr December 22, 2007

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Dental Work

When one human being completly polishes off anothers set of choppers with an incredably amount of semon. This later creates long time effects of lung and throat cancer as well.

Jim- i just was at my friends house a couple days ago and we had a really good time
Dan- damn i wish i would have went, what did you guys do?
Jim- we fucked eachother and then i gave him some special dental work

by Digesting_anal_fluid June 25, 2013

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Web Work Whore

Someone who barters sex in exchange for the completion of their webwork.

Jesse is a Web Work whore because she fuck's guys if they do her webwork.

by Jessethewhore November 3, 2011

half-ass work

Work that is done with half the required effort; not with a full potential.

Person 1: I'm done with my homework.
Person 2: *looks at homework*
Person 2: do you think this half-ass work will satisfy your teacher?
Person 2: You either do it right or don't do it at all

by Catzbanana November 12, 2013

how mafia works

the doing of leveling up for almost no reason

that's how mafia works

by theidiotwhodosen'tknowhathedid January 15, 2019

Show your work

Something math teachers ask you to do when they have nothing better to do and want to fill up their lesson with busy work in case the principal walks in.

"Don't forget to show your work."

"Why, though? The problem is 1+1..."

"Always show your work, no matter how useless it is, children. It will secure you a slot at your dream college."

by Moon Worshiper August 30, 2022