When you pick up a sloppy section 8 pig from the 50's pub; and you use her ebt card as a shoe horn to jam your cock In her ass!
Yo bun you see that fat pig over yonder she had 17.95 left on her ebt card when I used it to Biddeford shoe horn her!
If something is good or you want to say you're welcome to someone.
Person one: thank you
Person two: that's all gucci-two-shoes
Wanna be gangster with little feet but big attitude, known to be scared of the dark and has wet balls!
Do you want me to dry your balls Eugene "little shoes"
Shoes that look like they've gone through Hurricane Katrina. Really beat up shoes with holes in them.
I told her to throw out those raggedy Hurricane Katrina shoes but she refused because her dead mom gave them to her.
After wearing her Toms for three weeks straight, her shoes looked like Hurricane Katrina shoes.
V. The act of manual female stimulation; often masturbation
Tessa became so aroused at the idea of liquid lean cuisine, she was forced to find a private area to go tie her shoes.
Hey Jeff some guy said he Saw you watching me.... Um changing my shoes. 0-o