Kim seo ra is a korean name that without even knowing her she'll be a BLAST!! shes a nice girl who is living a nice world on earth but sometimes she pushes herself doing something and excepts perfect results but if its not perfect she will ask you about it and i suggest you say "dont worry you will ace it next time" bcz she gets kinda cranky but shes really nice.
girl 1- hey i just met the new girl seo ra i dont like her tho
girl 2 - how dare you you just met her take it back!
girl 1- how are you so sure shes nice?
all students - SHES KIM SEO RA!
Southpark, or Northpark Kim Jong-un is a short, asian Southpark character, only he's not from Southpark, he's from Northpark. North Korea, more like. *wink*
Here's a picture of him now: h ttps://
You might want to remove the space in between to see the picture.
Southpark Kim Jong-un......More like North Korea Kim Jong-un!
Ha! A real knee-slapper!
The most sexy person you’ll ever know <3
Very sweet too
And you need to date her right now!
“Wow Kim-Lian is very sexy”
Jew hater, likes men, chocy milk devourer, can’t talk to girls, hates circular geometry and still likes Charissa
Vinny-Kim gets no bitches.
Kim is a girl full of aspirations and goals she’s hardworking and passionate about everything she does. With her goals always in reach never losing sight of them and never letting anyone get to her. She’s fashionable and trendy and also a little sassy when she wants too be but in all she’s a girl with heart and a big one at that.
Hey Kim how are you
Kim I love you
Thanks kim
Kim is a girl full of aspirations and goals she's hardworking and passionate about everything she does. With her goals always in reach never losing sight of them and never letting anyone get to her. She's fashionable and trendy and also a little sassy when she wants too be but in all she's a girl with heart and a big one at that.