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music zone

The place a person goes mentally while listening to music on their iPod or other MP3 player. Most of the time the music is house or any other type of music that has a really crazy sick beat.

Person 1: Hey dude.!
Person 2: *in music zone*
Person 1: Dudee.!!
Person 3: He's zoning, he can't hear you.
Person 1: Ohhh, okay.
Person 2: Wait, what.?
Person 1: Shut up, you ignored me so you don't deserve to be in this conversation.

by afpurugganan February 11, 2010

musical faces

Like musical chairs, except when the music stops, instead of battling it out to be the first to sit on a chair, competitors must sit on someone's face.

"Dude, you shoulda been at the sex party, we played a sick game of musical faces. Stevie got some 24 carat gold ass sitting' on his face!"

by Bonuspointsformonreal November 14, 2015

Chart Music

Music that doesn't make music to get on the charts, but rather according to the charts (statistics) to appeal to a larger audience and become a mindless earworm. These songs have no long-lasting value or quality to them, usually fading away once they've made their record company enough money.

That song was so generic, it was nothing but chart music.

by Weegeeman August 1, 2021

Multi musical

A person who likes all type of music genres but only a selected amount of songs from each genre.

I only like some music from the pop and rap section. I’m multi musical.

by BadLifeSlice August 30, 2020

Musical Butts

When a bunch of dudes stand in the middle of a circle back to back and around the edge of the circle there are women with their bare asses pointing toward cluster of dudes. The men spin in a circle while music is playing, and when the music stops the men all try to start having anal sex with one of the girls. The guy who doesn't get to a girl gets knocked out, and the last man standing wins.

"Bro, wanna get together with the gang tonight?"
"Eh, I don't know..."
"C'mon, we'll play musical butts!"
"Oh, well in that case count me in!"

by The Foreskin Phantom April 13, 2014

donk music

A very large part of the 90s UK club scene. Some major clubs were Wigan pier, maximes, sanctuary and cricketers. Many areas to donk were Bolton, Wigan, Burnley, Farnworth and Manchester

Eyy m8 u off ta pier tanayt, donk music ineh
Ye m8 lineup looks sik
Ayy see ya there m8

by Swordsightsaviour March 13, 2020

Gay music

Music that any member of the LGBTQPIA+ community instantly vibes with; Music any member of the LGBTQPIA+ community will sing along to even if they’ve never heard the song.

This is some gay music

by The Bi-king November 30, 2020