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a can of smashed assholes

Used to describe a very homely individual.

"Damn, did you see that guy? He's as ugly as a can of smashed assholes!"

by CJ5GUY April 29, 2006

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can you see?

a phrase used in the movie "Minority Report" by the precog, Agatha. She says this occasionally, and all you can think is, "Dude, whats up with her?"

Can you see???

by El_Scorcho September 5, 2003

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We Can Be Heroes

An Australian TV show written, directed and acted by Chris Lilley, who also did Summer Heights High. It does not have much recognition as it isn't as funny as Summer Heights High.

Person 1: OMG I <3 summer heights high.
Person 2: Have you seen we can be heroes
Person 1: WTF is that

Person 2: Its done by the dude who does Summer heiights high, chris lilley
Person 1: why would i watch that, it dosnt have jonah in it
Person 2: Are you retarded??

by Anonymous2010xD June 19, 2010

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can of whoop-

whoop butt whoop rear end.

I just opened up a can of whoop-### on you.

by Me December 3, 2004

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can of worms

The Highlands of New Guinea's equivilant to a big mac.

(said in pidgeon english): "I was starving so I had a can of worms."

by uncleboonie February 16, 2004

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damaged canned good

A gorgeous girl that doesn't know how incredibly special she is, due to failed past relationships and douchebag boyfriends. Shy by nature, but the life of the party when she gets to know you!! Usually a white girl, but common among Hispanic women as well! She is tough from life's experiences, but has a tender heart that is a valuable prize to be won!! To hold her, makes you the richest man on earth!! Do not attempt to straighten her out, it's the dents and dings that have made her into this work of pure perfection!!

She's not waisting her time on a guy like me, she's a damaged canned good, she's way out of my league!

by Rowdy Roger November 23, 2013

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You can do it

You can't do it

Son: *Rock Climbing*
Father: "You can do it, son"
Son: *Falls and dies*

by literatureandthehumanexistenc June 1, 2020

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