When you shove your thumb up her vegina to plug the period blood.
The infamous Kentucky plug that shit slaps.
When multiple people use their thumbs to plug every hole in a human's body all at once.
"So I was at donuts house and I saw him getting the Kentucky Plug from 5 guys yesterday."
the act of jamming one's thumb into an orifice, be it naturally occurring or otherwise.
Kentucky ballistics used the Kentucky plug to save his life by plugging the hole in his neck; or:
My old lady gasped in both shock and awe when I slid the 'ol Kentucky plug into my routine last night.
a sexual maneuver, best described when you use your thumb to satisfy your partner as she is on her minstrel cycle.
*an eggplant may be involved as well, typically considered improper use of said eggplant.
-WARNING- this sexual maneuver, may result in hospital time, SLAP's to the face, and potential rental damage. approach with caution, eye protection is suggested.
"well, you see, it was date night, and my timing wasn't to good , if you know what i mean. so, i decided i could i decided to give her the ol' Kentucky Plug..."
- patient's words uttered while suffering from jugular lacerations. as notated by ER nurse.
Using one's thumb to plug a bleeding gash.
The old lady started flowing pretty hard last night so I gave her the old Kentucky Plug.
The act of places a thumb inside of a bodily opening. Examples: Vagina, Mouth or opening caused by injury.
I gave Emily the "Kentucky plug" last night.
A sex position in which you plug your thumb into your partners hole to prevent leakage, just like Kentucky ballistics had to !
Me: I have my girl the Kentucky Plug last night
Friend: Did she take a slap round before that ?