A person that can make their own choice after considering every factor contributing to the matter good or bad.
Used particularly in the world of vaccines.
Anti Vaxx vs Pro Vaxx and now, Pro Me .
A person who accepts the outcome of their own decision making.
I’m not anti vaxx not pro vaxx , I’m simply a pro me.
A person whose profession is to examine the quality, durability, and edibleness of nuts and are not limited to ligma, sugma, and deez nuts. Usually a typo, often an illusion.
A brand started in India that focuses on promoting environmental and ethical mannerism(EEM) through investing in companies/humans that produce, sell or promote products that are in the boundaries of EEM
Now also used as an adjective or a statement/ term / a standard mark used for any person, product or service that possesses EEM
It's a pro-organic product.
Did you know pro-organic products, are affordable and with high quality.
Be pro-organic!
When you're playing a game you've never played before with 2 friends and they have a chat togeteher and ignore you.
Friend 1: Have you heard of the new item? it creates a black hole!
Friend 2: Aw what! how do i get it?
Me: Jesus can you stop with the pro talk and tell me how to play?
A prostitute that works for free.
She gives it up to anyone, like a pro-bone-oh-hoe.
a silly person who thinks they are good but there worse than a noob
im a pro but i got boxed up like a fishy and died in the storm in fortnite bruh lol