1. A term used by PC gamers to describe their perceived superiority over console players
2. A derogatory term used by console players to make fun of PC players who think they are so much better
“Douglas finally bought parts, now he’s part of the PC Master Race”
A sport where people race each other in Chariots which is a revival of Chariot racing in ancent Rome.
I the sport anything goes. The only rules is that they must be Chariots and the first one to cross the finishline first wins.
Let's do some Chariot racing.
When you and your bro are both hitting it from behind next to each other in the same bed whilst pulling the girls hair, the one to cum first loses.
You up for a game of chariot racing tonight?
When 2, or more people have a race, and run to the bathroom (for example: at least 2 males, at least 2 females, or at least a male, and a female if only 2) to see who will pee in the bathroom first if there is particularly 1 bathroom where they are.
When 2, or more people have a race, and run to the bathroom (for example: at least 2 males, at least 2 females, or at least a male, and a female if only 2) to see who will pee in the bathroom first if there is particularly 1 bathroom where they are.
James, and I would race to pee in the bathroom to see who would pee first.
Portmanteau of the words "guitar" and "arms race." A race between bands to accumulate the coolest, best-sounding and most elite guitar and bass gear; broadly: an ever escalating race or competition to be more aesthetically and sonically untouchable than the next band
That indie rock band thinks this is some kind of guitarms race. They're running cooler gear than every scene band, as well as major label sell out bands. You just know they're constantly on the gear page and didn't buy that stuff at guitar center. Total guitar geeks.
Someone who tries to point out racism but gets it wrong.
A: "Islamic architecture uses a lot of geometric patterns."
B: "That's racist!"
A: "No, junior race police, Islam isn't a race."
race car goes vroom vroom
race car backwards is race car race
car sideways is how paul walker died