The kind of guy to wear a "i'm on a boat" shirt in 2018. He plays basketball and clash royale. This piece of shit doesn't know what hes talking about. He is about 50% chad
Guy 1: do you see that guy vaping?
Guy 2: yeah he's a total Christian Fletcher
Christian is by far the finest male at Bossier High School. He’s multi talented and good at anything he does. His rap name is “Muletti” and he’s the next big thing!
Billy: Man I wish I could be Christian Johnson
Jake: ONG!
A great friend that's there for you. He makes you laugh at stupid things. You both laugh at stupid things. He's someone you could vent to and he'll help you with your problem. Yet he bullies you but then you also do it back. One of the bestest friends you could ever have. He's a ladies man too (; He's POPULAR even though he doesn't think he is. He's a fantabulous person you could ever meet. :).
Christian Call : I’m not famous:(
Me: you’re famous omfg
One who only goes to church sporadically, normally for special occasions.
John: Great Easter service, will you come back again next week?
Tim: No, I probably won't be back until Christmas, I'm an occasional christian
Christian Santiago is the hottest guy you will ever meet, you will fall in love in 0.2 seconds, he is just THAT sexy ass nigga and he just needs to be praised because god put all his work into his looks.
Christian Santiago is sexy
Yea ik