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white mother

A white mother is a Caucasian woman who is the mother of a child; who will bring those children to a Mexican restaurant, say aloha to the Japanese waitress, then believe herself to be tsar of the black people
They are often times a little over weight and they will wear tight fitting yoga pants despite not knowing what yoga is.
Around 32.41% of white mothers are What is know as a "Karen" and 97% of the Karen class of white mothers will be an anti-vaxxer, and 27.15% of the mothers who are not a Karen will Be and Anti-vaxxer and on that 57.82% of Karen class women are Obese, and they will find it offensive

guy 1: Why is that lady so annoying?
guy 2: She is probably a white mother.
guy 1: ah.

by Duck that makes the americas February 15, 2021

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mother fuck-ass

another form of mother fucker but more applicable to when you fuck something up

John: Dude you totally missed your bus. You are such a dumb-ass.

by wufei September 9, 2004

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Mother Teresa Syndrome

1. Mental health condition suffered by the overly religious whereby the religious, actively deny treatment or medications to facilitate increased suffering.

2. The imposition of suffering, denial of treatment, or services, to those who you are responsible to care for with the expressed intent of increasing misery or hastening death. (see betrayal trauma)

3. The imposition of religious beliefs to increase suffering in the efforts to elicit pleasure in the person denying, or reserving access to treatment or services.

When I presented the case for a need for an antidepressant to my doctor, after my mom died, he got all 'Mother Teresa Syndrome" on me and said, "You need to experience this without drugs so you can grieve properly."

by JaeKar99 March 18, 2014

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mother fucker face

A kid who is a god damn ass hole.

That little Shit bastard is a mother fucker face

by Brett August 22, 2004

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Mother of all bombs

Its obvious, America launched this missile, DAMN YOU TRUMP! (or can be used in sexual references)Made by me.


by jadjfhbgflkjkabakfmnjkliahkbmf April 26, 2017

Your Brother a Mother

This Insult is the ender of worlds (Use at your own risk)

John:Your Granny Tranny

Jack:Your Sister a Mister

John: Your Brother a Mother

God ceases to exist while a celestial black hole tears the multiverse in two

by the.real.slim.shady_v1 March 18, 2018

fairy squad mother

every group/squad has one, the 'mother' of the group.

sup bitches the fairy squad mother has arrived

by iceteamango March 15, 2017