Music that's like an abusive relationship, it always hurts you, but you keep going back to anyway.
Ex: Red House Painters, Slowdive, and The Smiths
I really need to stop listening to abusive music, but it's so difficult to quit.
"Ahh dang Sarah be playing that booty music on the bowl again" Katie says after hearing a symphony of farts rumble from her bathroom shortly after the two got home from Taco Bell.
any person who typically writes overly complicated rhythms and parts that sound generally unappealing, with varying levels of success.
Mason Bates is a musical douche.
To sit on someones Head and fart while they are bent over. also see asshat, holy asshat , or donkey sombrero.
Bill bent over to pickup a quarter so I gave him a musical asshat.
When in a song the singer sings absolute gibberish.
(Song)"I don't care if your Montagues or Capulets, well I bet..."
"That song, Dave, is full of musical gibberish."
"I know Gary that tune is fulla it."
when the composer or writer of a song puts in a part of a song that makes no sense as to why it would be there and so the only explanation is that it is there simply to screw with the musicians and/or audience
Musician #1 "Why do we go back to minor for three bars? It's completely pointless"
Musician #2 "No idea, must just be some musical douchery"