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the crookedest street in the World

Lombard St. in San Francisco, California, USA. It's a 1~way downhill steep street with many switchbacks, is lined by several homes, the speed limit is 5 MPH & it goes from Van Ness to Leavenworth. The views are outstanding!

You won't believe this but I accidentally drove down the crookedest street in the World & didn't find out it was that street until a month later! I swore I'd never drive it again but a week later I did. The views are phenomenal.

by Starchylde April 27, 2015

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World Hollander Day

A day, November 1st, that Tom Holland fans (Hollanders) created. This day was created to celebrate the Hollander fandom, how all Hollanders are connected through their idol (Tom Holland), and to celebrate their idol in general. Usually this occasion is celebrated through edits, pictures, and posts that fan accounts will put on there account.

โ€œAre you excited for world Hollander day?โ€

by kyrag November 5, 2019

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AP World History

The number one reason for self harm and suicidal tendencies among overachieving sophomores. Typically, this class takes your AP virginity- but donโ€™t think that its going to start you off easy with rose petals or some shit. This class will fuck you in the ass without any lube- which youโ€™ll know a lot about, because you will develop insomnia and depression because of this fucking class and watch a startling amount of porn, because its 3 am and you need SOME way to get rid of the pent up anxiety. You will bleed over fucking Daoism- which will seem pretty appealing to you, with the whole living-in-the-woods-thing. Donโ€™t know what Daoism is? Youโ€™re a lucky son of a bitch. You will cry blood at 3 am because the 10 page guided notes is only halfway done, and you havenโ€™t even finished your own personal chapter outline- which is for some reason a different thing. Donโ€™t take this class unless you already want to die and need one last thing to punch you over the edge.

Non-AP Student- :( I only got 6 hours of sleep last night :(
AP World Student- You ignorant fucking slut. You do not know true pain until you have taken AP World History. I have slept six hours in the past week, I live on coffee and chronic anxiety. I wrote 20 pages of notes in my own blood, and I still got a C on the test because I considered Alexander the Greatโ€™s biggest legacy to be forming a lasting empire instead of dissipating the city-states. I am awake right now because I mixed 5 hour energy with DayQuil, which Iโ€™m preying will give me a heart attack, and Quizlet is the only god I know.

by Thotticus.Prime September 22, 2018

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World Cup

A football (soccer) tournament held every four years where after 90 minutes of exciting play, and a nail-biting overtime period, they settle the championship game with penalty kicks rendering the entire game pointless! And the damn trophy is not even a cup!

World Cup 2006 Italy vs. France - Why even bother to have the game? Just have the shootout and call it done and save the whole world a few hours!

by ckaiserca July 12, 2006

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World Economic Forum

A club for the world's wealthy elites to jerk each other off and discuss new ways to increase their wealth and control of the masses under the veil of globalism, sustainability, and universal equality.

The World Economic Forum promotes sustainability and equality, yet its sponsors and contributors run the most wasteful and exploitative businesses to have ever existed.

by 1H4TENI88ERS November 1, 2022

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world cup

An international waste of time.
Not only is soccer the world's silliest sport, this is just a sissy excuse to be an idiot. Far and away,the USA dominates the competition, and the other countries shed racist remarks towards opposing players.

A: What the hell is this garbage we're watching?
B: The World Cup.
A: Get this shit out of my face. Now.

by tvkh515 June 6, 2006

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World War II

Germany invades Czechoslovakia.
Britain & France tell them to stop that bullshit.
Germany invades Poland.
(Russia also invades Poland from the other side: everybody forgets this.)
Britain & France declare war. This is the 'official' kick-off.
Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, & Romania all join the German side. (Everybody forgets the last three.)
Axis forces go through Europe like vindaloo through a colostomy.
Nazis exterminate Jews, gays, gypsies, & the disabled. (everybody remembers the jews but forgets the rest.)
UK holds out.
Russia & the USA don't do shit.
Entire divisions of Danish, Belgian, Dutch, Norwegian, French & Serbian volunteers join the Axis armies & SS. (everybody forgets this & to listen to them now, they were all in the fucking resistance, which must have been MASSIVE.)
Axis forces invade Russia. Suddenly the Russians don't think it's funny any more.
Japan joins the Axis & bombs Pearl Harbor.
Suddenly the US doesn't think it's funny any more.
The USA tools up the world, 'cause it's got more factories than everybody else put together, & they're out of bomber range.
Axis runs out of steam in Russia, cause Russia's enormous & bloody freezing.
Allies invade on D-Day... 5 landings: 2 British, 2 American, 1 Canadian. (everybody forgets the Canadians.)
Hitler ends up smouldering in a ditch. Russians find the body & confirm he only had one ball. Seriously.
The US decides invading stuff is a pain in the ass and invents the atom bomb instead. Drops two buckets 'o sunshine on Japan.
Russians steal half of Europe.
UK's spent almost every penny it had.
US starts telling everybody how it was all about them, & 64 years later is still doing so.

"Some of the World War II guys in 'Call of Duty' have, like, foreign accents... what's up with that?"

by Norman D. Landings March 22, 2009

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