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loaner boner

A guy who can fill in for you when your girl wants to have sex and, for whatever reason, you are unable to handle the deed. A guy who will loan you his bone so your chick doesn't trip, and then will leave when the job is done.

Girl: What's wrong baby?

Boy: I don't know...i guess i'm tired or something.

Girl: Should I send dude a text and see what he is doing right now? Maybe he has a loaner boner I can use tonight?

by hoo dat October 10, 2011

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baby boner

Baby boner? really? Baby boner.... is a babies boner

My baby gets a lot of baby boners

by luvestospluge May 8, 2014

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Boner Fairy

A little wiener shaped creature with wings that fly's through the night and gives people random erections while they sleep. Due to high volume of night time boners, the Boner Fairy is said to be quick a swift with her work, and seldom is spotted, and never is caught.

"Dude, I ripped a hole through my whities and my Egyptian cotton sheets. Boner Fairy must of paid a visit last night.

by They call me Tanus October 17, 2008

54๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Platonic Boner

When perhaps, after which a male may have been engaging in physical behaviour performing a task, such as moving some heavy boxes, lifting heavy furniture, or other similar tasks, on behalf of the request of a female friend, of which no romantic links are intended, when during or after finishing the task/s, becomes aroused, has no control over the organ, has to stand and continue talking to the friend with the erection clearly seen, and then commented on by the female. Its when asked, if he is aware of the quite obvious display of arousal by the female, and then answered, that the offending organ was not intended for, or induced by,nor poses threats of any kind toward her, that it is then deemed a Platonic Boner. The female, at this point, as a courtesy, is obliged to give a few moments for the genitals to deflate to normal dimensions, and to accept that it was in fact, platonic. Any changes to his intentions from that point onwards, returns the state of the hard-on back to one of being normal, that is, of the intent to be inserted, rubbed, or stimulated by any other means to the eventual point of orgasm. Platonic Boners, once achieved, may be, and now commonly, conciously sustained for periods of time, as a form of practice for Tantric sex sessions, and socially accepted as practice for such, so long as the intent is clearly defined and can be proven to be as practice for these sessions when asked, and if the groin area, clearly shows attempts at disguise

A super hero may be rescuing a woman from a burning building, places her safely back on solid ground, the woman noticing a large bulge in his pants, indicating an erection, and when just about to say something to the rescuer, he announces that there is nothing to fear, it's just a Platonic Boner. The woman then goes home and tells everyone that she has seen supermans willy, without fear of being labeled a whore

by Jamie_ledge October 1, 2006

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gay boner

1. If a gay person has an erection, he has a gay boner.
2. If any person has an erection that resembles a gay persons erection, it can be considered a gay boner.

Earnest (gay): Oh Herby, I have such a gay boner.
Herby (not gay): I have a gay boner too, Earnest.

by bumarse October 23, 2009

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loner with a boner

An event occurring on Sunday evenings when the alpha-male suddenly realizes that his nightly escapades suddenly seem for nothing as he is completely alone, finding himself laughed in the face by his suddenly erect boner and no one there to disarm it. Hence loner with a boner.

Oh, Jeffrey... he may be a stud on occasion, but come the day after he is only a loner with a boner.

by Kimotep October 12, 2009

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loner boner

anyone who gets a boner when alone or in a group of guys.

Ryan Nagel is a total loner boner

by michael and andrew November 6, 2010

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