Gotta have it at all times, no matter what it is!
Man, I needz dat! My hands stay open all the time!
This proverb describes the attempt to pursue something delicate, fragile, or elusive in conditions that are completely inappropriate or counterproductive. Much like the absurdity of trying to catch butterflies—a task that requires patience and gentleness—while it’s raining heavily, the expression highlights the futility of trying to achieve a goal when the surrounding environment or circumstances are utterly unfavorable. It suggests that timing and conditions are crucial for success, and without the right setting, even the most well-intentioned efforts are doomed to fail or become frustratingly difficult.The saying directly translated basically means "Fishing for butterflies in the rain".-Ulf Skönberg och kamraterna podden
Context: Two friends, Tom and Lisa, are discussing Lisa's attempt to organize an outdoor event despite bad weather.
Tom: "How’s the event planning going?"
Lisa: sighs "Not great. I’ve been trying to set up this outdoor picnic for weeks, but the forecast keeps showing rain."
Tom: "Sounds like you’re fishing for butterflies in the rain."
Lisa: "I know, right? Every time I think things are coming together, the weather ruins it."
Tom: "Maybe it's time to consider an indoor backup plan. No point chasing butterflies in a storm."
Lisa: "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just not going to happen the way I imagined."
Sammanhang: Två vänner, Tom och Lisa, diskuterar Lisas försök att organisera ett utomhusevenemang trots dåligt väder.
Tom: "Hur går evenemangsplaneringen?"
Lisa: suckar "Inte bra. Jag har försökt ordna den här utomhuspicknicken i flera veckor, men prognosen fortsätter att visa regn."
Tom: "Det låter som att "fiska fjärilar i regn."
Lisa: "Jag vet, eller hur? Varje gång jag tror att saker går ihop, förstör vädret det."
Tom: "Det kanske är dags att överväga en backupplan inomhus. Ingen idé att jaga fjärilar i en storm."
Lisa: "Ja, jag antar att du har rätt. Det kommer bara inte att bli som jag föreställt mig."
A phrase often used by God in the Bible and Torah to assert his dominance, despite his obvious insecurity about the position and therefore his constant need to repeat it over and over again, as often as sentences apart.
"Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘I am the LORD your God...'"
You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. I am the LORD your God.
‘No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the LORD.
- Leviticus 18
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Maybe I should get Tattoos. Particularly on my arms.
Everybody seems to be doing this these days. I just want to look cool.
(UD Jews, talkin to you guys..again.)
Maybe I should get Tattoos
A go-to excuse for why you did something for no reason
Probably because I ate all those sandwiches should not be used when describing why you ate all those sandwiches. Do not include a time period that you ate all of those sandwiches
John: "Hey Chris, why'd you ask Marissa out? You don't even like black chicks."
Chris: "I don't know. It's probably because I ate all those sandwiches."