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Comment Rage

When you’re watching a video, think of a boss comment only to find that someone already commented it and has 1K+ likes on it.

OMG I just thought of the best comment! *Scrolls down and sees exactly what they were thinking of* (Insert head banging and comment rage)

by SomeGuyWhoLikesHoodies October 1, 2019

Raging bullhorn

A male erection that is bigger and harder than normal.

Dude when she stuck her hand down my pants it gave me a full blown raging bullhorn.

by BurntAnus December 22, 2016

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Dick Rage

When a lack of masturbation leads to a fit of intense rage.

After not yanking his noodle, Johnny has terrible dick rage.

by MerriamWebsta February 17, 2015

Rage Puke

Randomly puking out of anger or excitement

"He just rage puked on me because he took my girl"

"We were rocking out to some metal, he took a drink and just raged puke, and kept going."

by Ragepuke August 24, 2014

pump rage

when people at a gas station obviously see you trying to get into a gas pump, and still pull in like the world belongs to them

Billy: What the heck?? I've been waiting for that pump for 2 hours!!! Stupid pump rage!!

by Billy-Joe-Bob-Hank June 18, 2011

rage page

A page you write on a forum/website after having a bad experience with a user/the website. Generally regarded as a "nerd rage" as well.

Boy: I totally just posted a rage page on 4chan's /b/ because they called me fat

by SuperKittenMan January 28, 2010

rage case

A 24 rack of monster or other assorted energy drinks used to initiate a ragin party amongst rave kids

dude let's go get a Rage case and fuck shit up later at that rockig park kid party!

by TheHawkenWulfe October 30, 2017