When you’re watching a video, think of a boss comment only to find that someone already commented it and has 1K+ likes on it.
OMG I just thought of the best comment! *Scrolls down and sees exactly what they were thinking of* (Insert head banging and comment rage)
1. To consecutivley hit a noob 3 times in a row with quick sucsession, delivering a stronger blow each hit.
2. Extreame anger for a miniscule reason.
OMG that fag just got me with cannon rage.
Cant bealive my mom is cannon raging me like this.
The deep anger experienced after purchasing and consuming a disappointing pasty. Especially in Wales.
What is this mushy brown stuff in the middle of my flaky pastry square thats being passed off as a 'cornish pasty'. Trying to find a decent pasty in wales gives me pasty rage!!
A male erection that is bigger and harder than normal.
Dude when she stuck her hand down my pants it gave me a full blown raging bullhorn.
When a lack of masturbation leads to a fit of intense rage.
After not yanking his noodle, Johnny has terrible dick rage.
Randomly puking out of anger or excitement
"He just rage puked on me because he took my girl"
"We were rocking out to some metal, he took a drink and just raged puke, and kept going."
A 24 rack of monster or other assorted energy drinks used to initiate a ragin party amongst rave kids
dude let's go get a Rage case and fuck shit up later at that rockig park kid party!