a cool guy who is not a white unicorn banger choke holding a bear and jumping off mountains without a parachute and does not need to be executed
anthony is radical
yes he is nice and really athletic and REALLY smart, he is really untrustworthy in realationships. he likes to be around other girls and flirt with other girls. he gets really emberrest with any sort of romance and likes to keep "Dating" just hugging and hanging out. he is very selfish. he likes to brag about his smartness and athleticness, and if he messes up he cant admit it. i recomend anthony as just a friend.
"man, they beat us again."
"yeah, thats because they have anthony!"
Anthony is such a goofball. He is really cute and fun to talk to. He can make you smile when you are feeling low. He is such a great person and I love him.
Girl: Anthony is so cute
Other girl: yeah ik he's mine tho so back tf up
Girl: sorry
Anthony means God on every plant, it also means hot man and thicc
Anthony is walking in "clap clap clap"
Typically slaves to their spouses and offspring, they lack backbone and usually suffer immensely from their 30s onwards, common symptoms include depression and delusion. Friends should brace for a sudden change in personality post their marriage.
We haven't seen him since he got married, he is such an Anthony!