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Twisted Horny Bastard

Usually used to describe a few select species who believe that the world is playing field in which they judge and umpire. Perverted, twisted and downright stupid. This mother fuckers have half the mind of a peanut and like to masturbate in public. Usually go by the name Beau, Joshua, Bitch Ass Dolt or Schizophrenic Asshole. These twisted dickheads also like to prey on innocent people, take pictures in the nude with just a small jocks displaying their little cock hidden behind a football. Nice technique mate. Usually ugly, both physically and mentally.

wow... have you met Josh before? He is the epitome of a twisted horny bastard

by Turn of event March 7, 2016

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Piss Drinking Bastard

Ken Ham the insult is drawn from two Old Testament references in the King James Version that torques the Independent Baptists when you really point this out, 2 Kings 18:27 and Hebrews 12:8 from the same translation. The insult came from the joint weighing in on the movement with the historian behind NoLifeTilMetal as he pointed out "bastard" as I pointed out "drink your own piss and eat your own dung." We started chuckling like kids who were swearing outside of parental earshot.

You have evangelicals thinking "sex" is a cuss word until they see someone call a young earth creationist a "piss drinking bastard" as you have sites that advocate King James Only Movement and cite Dr. Dino as their source of academia. This will especially piss off Pensacola when you hint that they've produced a dog-fucker from Craigslist. Then they blush when you point out where you found these two.

by illinoishorrorman January 26, 2018

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sad pathetic little bastards

The population of North America. All the republicans.

"Hi, im from North America & im a republican"
"well you're a sad pathetic little bastard"

by Voice of Sense March 18, 2005

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Biggest Scotish Fat Bastard

A man who sells things he doesnt understand but is still fucking good at it. He's a fat bastard. A scot living and working with dutch men. He visited an AWB rally resently and enjoy tossing off into socks

biggest scotish fat bastard eg Thomas

by JohnHunter007 July 2, 2009

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sad pathetic little bastards


people who diss celebrities and other famous people to make themselves feel better!

sad American boys who live in their parents basements downloading porn all day!

Scally fuckers from England who have Bleached-Blonde hair who wear cheap Burberry hats and Rockport shoes saying, "Buzzin" or "thats canny man yeah" or "ere mate save us two's"!!

someone who has no comman sense!

Someone who doesn't care about being succesful, and will probably work in McDonalds for the rest of his/her life! and always say, "d ya want fries with that?"

people who take drugs and smoke pot/weed (it all kills you eventually) but they don't care!

and there's lots of other sad patetic little bastards out there, and EVERYONE THINKS YOUR SAD!

Scally says: "ere mate can you get served"
Punk says: "no, im off to go die my hair black"

Basement liver says: "Celebrities are sooo stupid, they like pose all the fuckin time, they are so retarded!"

Normal person says: "You just say all that shit to make yourself feel better, you might look "good" on the Internet but your an acne-faced motherfucker"

i hate these people!

by meef September 9, 2004

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Bastards incorporated movie studio

Bastards Incorporated is a term which originated from the 80's comedy "The Comedy Company"'. It describes a conman company that sells products which are defective and useless.

It is now used as an all encompasing word for movies that typify white trash values, violence, mindless storylines and crass uneducated humor. These movies are made under the comedy and horror genres but are generally a thinly disguised veil of ultimate warfare of corrupt mob enterprises and psychotic writers against targets they deem worthy of life ruining.

The characters are purposely depicted in the most ficticious and humiliating scenarious in order to basically ruin their targets lives as well as their sanity and maximise profits, and cover up their own sordid lives of others.

"this is not art or cinema it is terrorism".

Exampled of Bastards Incorporated movie studio include:
Scary Movie franchaise
Disaster movie, Epic Movie etc.
American Pie Series
Twilight Franchaise
Movies that depict prostitutes, strippers etc.
Serial killer horror movie franchaises.
Movies that are so violent, warped and unrealistic you have nightmares for months.

by nostradamous merry maid January 18, 2011

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KGB punkass bastard

A KGB punkass bastard is a wannabe cop or a cop.They act like they are a big authority because they think it's cool and they are narcissistic control freaks and snitches and jerks. They need to pull their pants up. They wear their hats backwards. They talk like the ghetto even if their parents are well-off. They're punks and wanksters and wimps and liars and lazy.often times they are polish.

hey you officer tighty whities.your no cop. your a wankster and a wannabe cop.your a KGB punkass bastard. and your still a wimp even if you do that ghetto talk and punkass polish crap. i live my own life.so stop telling me what to do.

hey i am officer tighty whities and polish wannabe cop and wankster. then the guy says fuck you to the KGB punkass bastard. then beats him.

by isssssooooooooooofuckthiscraaa September 12, 2011

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