Cool, bad ass, head of your employment, hard-core person
Im a boss!!! Thats so boss. Hes my boss.
Unofficial name for a male dog
The male version of Bitch
"Are they a boy or a girl"
"He's a little boss"
The unofficial name for a male dog
Male version of bitch
"Are they a bitch or a boss"
"He's a little boss"
Noun - A person who is in charge of a worker or group and gives out timesheet codes.
Verb - give (someone) orders in a domineering manner.
George likes bossing his coworkers around and give the time codes late on fridays.
Darshan is popularly known as Boss Of Sandalwood With A Huge Fan Base and Craze he is the Most simple person even though he is a Biggest super star of kfi,he is the boss of kfi then now Forever ,Darshan is Boss odmf self called Bosses ,even many celebrities calling Him as a Boss
Darshan e Boss
Darshan is popularly known as Boss of sandalwood and Boss of self Called Bosses ,he Have Huge fan Base in karnataka and he stands first at Box office ,he is down to earth person and No one can match him in karnataka when it Comes To Rural Fan Base and Craze
Ivre ellaru Boss annodu