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Baby cousin

Your sister or brother's child, who exists as one of the 11 recognized genders, but you can't really be bothered to think too much about it, so yeah; baby cousin.

Yeah, you know Ronnie's friend AJ? Her man's...... Baby cousin

by Kamikaze Possum September 26, 2024


First cousin's great-great-grandson.

My great-great-great-cousin-nibling is a good person.

by Gtopql November 24, 2019


7.5-tuple-4C: Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents, zero great-great-grandparents and fifteen great-great-great-grandparents in common.

My 7.5-tuple-fourth-cousin is a good person.

by ABGR June 9, 2021


Daughter of their grandparent’s full sibling with the other grandparent’s full sibling.

My double-cousin-aunt is a good person.

by Hgcloziw November 23, 2019


Someone who, in relation to others, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents and six great-great-grandparents in common.


by Cerejini May 21, 2024


Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents and six great-great-grandparents in common.

My triple-third-cousin is a good person.

by Gerald128 May 15, 2021


Living being that has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents and six great-great-grandparents in common with other living beings.


by Simaduria July 26, 2024