To wish someone extra ordinary luck.
"Cross your cheeks" for me in the up coming game!
the act of living the life of the opposite sex; impersonation as the opposite sex.
I hate your constant cross-living.
Who’s that
That’s Ollie cross
He packed a tradeable neymar
person 1: “nah boy did yu fr do dat?”
person 2: “nah brah no crosses i did nufen”
Kylie is the prettiest person you ever meet she will be there when you need her she loves the color blue her bf loves her so much💗
I love Kylie cross
Synonym of Based, refers to guys who are cool dudes, just in general some pretty chill fellas.
Yo, he's definitely a Coles Crossing Dad.
To lick the choad during oral sex.
Austin: I went out with Jenny Saturday night and ate the pussy.
Keller: Did you cross the bridge?
Austin: You know I did!