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Cross your cheeks

To wish someone extra ordinary luck.

"Cross your cheeks" for me in the up coming game!

by Alec Nicks February 14, 2023


the act of living the life of the opposite sex; impersonation as the opposite sex.

I hate your constant cross-living.

by uttam maharjan November 3, 2010

Ollie cross

He packed a tradeable neymar

Who’s that
That’s Ollie cross
He packed a tradeable neymar

by bossman6942069 December 14, 2020

no crosses


person 1: “nah boy did yu fr do dat?”
person 2: “nah brah no crosses i did nufen”

by eetspotato July 10, 2024

Kylie cross

Kylie is the prettiest person you ever meet she will be there when you need her she loves the color blue her bf loves her so much💗

I love Kylie cross

by ilovemygf_🫶🏼 February 1, 2024

Coles Crossing Dad

Synonym of Based, refers to guys who are cool dudes, just in general some pretty chill fellas.

Yo, he's definitely a Coles Crossing Dad.

by Corvidae88 July 24, 2024

Cross the bridge

To lick the choad during oral sex.

Austin: I went out with Jenny Saturday night and ate the pussy.
Keller: Did you cross the bridge?
Austin: You know I did!

by Kellerino July 7, 2018