A Bandito Bike who Sleeps with O'Neilz
Women: OMG shes got Beck Ellis Syndrome
Male: What you mean?
Women: That man has HIV and she slept with him
Ellie’s dad is someone that never botheres with his kids . He’s obsessed with spending money at the Casino and shoving his head down the shower plug to pull out any hairs that could of been stuck up his arse . He is the type of person who will only send you a birthday card when your dead and has never returned since he went to buy the milk dad of the year !!
“Ellie’s dad
Rose-Elly really likes to dance 💃🏻
She has a sense of humor, but she can be serious when she wants. Like the other girls “ Rose-Elly “ likes the guys to move. She has so much talents, but she is too shy to show them. Rose-Elly is sociable and she has no difficulties to keep a good contact with her friends. She is a great person and everybody loves her presence.
Rose-elly is wonderful, she has great results at school and she is working so hard.
This strange species of human is known for spread her tentacles for people’s boyfriends
Oh no! Don’t touch ellie erskine you might get syphilis.
Is a Emo that has no soul , and is a very boring also love to shat lots of shit ! Because they think they Know everything.
That man walked ,past he was a total Ellis macklin .
The act of going to your girlfriends sisters house for a 2 day long sleepover and not talking to her at all.
“Yesterday I was pulling an Ellis ”
“Shut the fuck up”
-uwu discord kitten.
-screams "mama" everywhere they go
*sigh* Izzy is such a 'Lily Ellis'